The fight between pansy and I

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Pansy and I used to be inseparable. Used to be. We started arguing because she said I was hanging out with mattheo and his friends more than her.

   I tried to explain to her that I need to divide my time between the both of them, I can't always be with her.
     She got even more pissed saying I don't care about her. That I don't want to hang around her.
Which is not true at all.

      We started yelling at each other in the middle of the hall which didn't make it any better.
I tried apologizing the next day but she wouldn't talk to me.
I decided to give her space because why am I going to try and push it if shes upset.
It has been over 5 weeks in my DR since we talked I guess the girl really holds grudges.

   I really don't think I did anything wrong but maybe I could have handled it better.

    I really miss my best friend.
I'm gonna try talking to her again the next time I shift and will keep you all updated.

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