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At three thirty the kids are filed out of their rooms, class rooms, and everywhere else to the auditorium. All except nick. I gather the teachers on the stage.

"Hi. On the table here you'll find some paper and pens. I want a list of the trouble students that are in each of your sections of the dorms. Who has the delight of putting up with Nick?" An older woman held up her hand.

"I do. He's yelled from that room all day."

"Well you don't need to worry about him I'm gonna take him over for you."

"Good luck." I chuckled.

"I'm gonna make a couple announcements. I want you to make note of kids you notice aren't here, aren't paying attention and that you think are gonna blatantly refuse to follow my new announcements. Alright?" They nodded. I turned to the students and smiled and picked up the microphone.

"Good afternoon. I'm your new principal. My name is Alex Lawson." A murmur went through here and there. "I know you've probably heard my name. Let me separate fact from fiction. I am thirty five years old. I do not have a pack. I have chosen not to have one. I chose not to have one for personal reasons. The questions I get asked most are in relations to two incidents I was involved in. The incident out west involving a young woman, a daughter of a king. No I was not the one who kidnapped her. I was the one who rescued her. Her father asked me too and paid me well to do it. That was all of it, nothing more. The incident involving a few deaths. I had a mark put on my head, I was attacked three times. I killed a total of eleven bounty hunters, the mark was taken off and I bare the perpetrator no ill will anymore since, he's dead too." As I talked I'd paced the stage.

"As for my background, I was born to a rogue mother. No I don't know who my father is, don't bother asking. I spent the years up till I was eighteen bouncing all over the country and learning all kinds of things. I joined the human military where I spent the next eight years. Don't ask what I did it's classified and you aren't cleared for that. Upon discharge I went to work for the High Lycan council. I can't talk about my work their either, so don't ask. The last three years I've just been relaxing, a friend of a friend came to me offered me this position and told me that their pilot school was going to be shut down if they couldn't get all you hoodlums reigned in. I decided it might be fun so here I am." I looked around the assembly and saw a lot of attentive faces. No doubt wondering if I was lying or not.

"On what I am. The rumors don't lie, I am a Chimera." The entire room seemed to gasp. I sighed. I hated having to announce that but if I didn't I got all kinds of looks and questions best to have it out at the beginning. "For those of you who don't know the truth of what that is. A chimera in mythology is a creature that is a hybrid. In medical terms it is someone or something that has a genetic duality. There's something to ask Mr Norris about in biology tomorrow." I heard a few laughs and giggles. "For my part I am called Chimera because I have more than one full shape to shift into and can blend them at will. It makes me very powerful and no I'm not going to show you." I heard someone say 'aw man. That'd be cool.'

"Now, with me out of the way, school. I want to make sure you are all paying attention. Got it. Everyone looking at me for this announcement." I looked around I met lots of little eyes balls no tops of heads or chins. "All school rules, are to be enforced as of right this minute. As a good show, I want everyone of you to stand up, straighten shirts, skirts, pants. Girls unroll your waist bands so that your uniform skirts go to your knees again. Boys pull up your pants to above your belly button where the are supposed to be. Shirts tucked in pants and skirts buttons all the way up and jackets and sweaters in place." no one moved. "Now people." they slowly did what I said and as they sat back down I checked as many as I could. "Alright, tomorrow, guess what, you are gonna get a day off school." that got a cheer. "So that we can clean this cesspool of a school." that got a groan. "All rooms will be thoroughly cleaned, anything that is not on the approved list will be ready for me to say yes or no to. I might let you keep somethings depending on what it is. Anything I find hidden will be destroyed, torn up and made unusable before thrown away. All class rooms will be straitened up and cleaned your teachers will have your duties for you. Hallways will be cleaned and then will be painted. We'll get rid of all the stains that your behavior has left. If this takes all day it will be done. You will have the weekend to rest, and call parents to complain about the horrible treatment you are being subjected too. Anyone who wants can go home. This is school not prison. Don't let the door knob hit you on the way out.

"Let me repeat this. All rules, regulations, and common basic human rights and niceties will be adhered to or I will turn this place into a prison. I'm sure most of you have heard about my meeting a certain young man in the corridor this morning. Guess what he gets to be number one on my list to expel. For those of you thinking, 'you can't do that' oh yes I can. There is a rule in the handbook that says any violence toward another student not a dominance display or an official challenge is subject to the to the principals judgement, discipline can be up to and includes expulsion. Expulsion a word to have Miss Henry define for you tomorrow in English. One I'm not afraid of using. I have a waiting list for this place a mile long. I will send as many of you home as I want and fill your slots with people who want to be here and behave like nice normal young adults and not like hoodlums." I really had everyone's attention now.

"New detention rules. Detention will be served after school hours with me. If I see you more than two weeks straight for the same offense I will start upping your punishment up to and including expulsion. There's that word again. There will be two detention slips given out. The first is the standard yellow slip. The second is," I pulled one out from my inside suit jacket pocket. "pretty red like this one. If you come to me with one of these it means that the person, not necessarily a teacher gave you one because they saw you doing dangerous behavior, most likely dangerous for others. You are Lycan not animals you will exercise self control. If you are having issues which is not a sin, you may feel free to ask for my help I will keep it confidential and help you get the self control be a good upstanding member of society." I took a breath and let everyone settle as much as they could.

"Next if you look around the walls you'll notice that while I talked a dozen broad and even burly guards have entered the room. Meet the new security for the school. They are here to make sure violence that does happen is official in some way. If it's not official they will break it up and bring you to me. I will then sit as judge and jury for the altercation. They are going to be carrying detention slips as well. So will janitorial staff and anyone else I determine can give out these little things. So just because I a teacher or security isn't around doesn't mean you aren't being watched and wont' get in trouble." i gave a glance to my head of security. He nodded. They were done and all set.

"You are going to be given thirty days starting tomorrow to get all this down and in practice. On day thirty all rules and punishments will be in full force. Now while our nice new security keeps you here where you are comfortable and safe a catering crew is going to be passing out sandwiches and water. Feel free to ask for seconds. I am going to do a little spot inspections of a few rooms just to get a measure of what I'm up against. Be have yourselves. Our security has full authority to simply leave the room and lock all exits if you don't behave." 

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