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We lay in each others arms until desire pulled at us again. Again, then again, and again we made love. Making up for lost time. Wishing for morning not to come. When I got up to get us water he followed. I made love to him again on the counter. Then against the bedroom door before falling into bed again and making love. He was curled to my side as the sun came up.

"This is the first morning I won't go out to see folded sheets and a note saying you'll see me at breakfast."

"Should I go do it?" He teased. I chuckled.

"No thanks. I prefer this kind of morning better." I rolled over tucking him beneath me again. I wanted to tell him. God did I want to tell him how much I loved him but it was too soon. If it was still there when school started up again I'd tell him then. "We need to get up and dress. You have to pack and I have a lot of students to see off."

"Will you say goodbye?"

"I wouldn't miss it for anything, well anything baring blood being spilled or the school burning down." He laughed. I kissed him but pulled back. I let him go though it was hard to do. After my shower and dressing I headed to check in with Simon.

"So, you look miserable." He tells me as I find him out front directing the early pick ups. I sighed heavily.

"Today sucks ass." I say and take the clipboard he holds out. He chuckles. Then I see him frown.

"Any particular reason this morning is worse than others? Not sleep well?"

"I didn't sleep at all but that was the good part. It was the getting up and knowing I have to say goodbye that makes it suck." I say. Six students were already signed out.

"Is it goodbye in general or one specific goodbye that has you troubled." I ignored the question in favor of politely greeting a mother and her daughter as she signed her out and left. When we were alone again he sighed. "For god sake tell me you didn't sleep with him." I glanced at him then back at the list I was looking over.

"Weren't you the one suggesting I run off with him for a summer fling." He turned blocking me from view of the students gathering to wait for their rides.

"I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to really do it." He hissed. "What happened? How many times did it happen?"

"You know what happened and all night." I say and step out to take a look to make sure the buses who were ferrying students in groups to the airport for flights. The drivers each had check lists for each trip. Already a few kids had missed their flights and new arrangements were being made for them.

"You can't be serious." Simon says keeping pace with me.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because he's one of the students. If someone finds out you'll be out of a job."

"Well I did get that offer as security consultant for the local city Lycan council. Maybe I'll give them a call and save everyone some trouble." He grabbed my arm. I looked at him waiting for his response. His eyes went round and he shook his head.

"God damn. You are in love with him." I sighed and kept walking.

"I'd appreciate you keeping that to yourself."

"Have you told him?"

"Hell I haven't even said it out loud to myself yet." I said handing him the clipboard and heading inside to check on the packing of students.

"See you next year, Mr Lawson." Said a young woman who handed me a card. She'd been one who'd gotten a lot of my quotes.

"Have a fun summer Maggie. Next year you are a senior and the torture intensifies." She laughed and headed downstairs. I was nervous as I got to Tyler's room Harry was already up, packed and gone. He was sketching on his tablet. I closed the door and leaned against it.

"For the first time I'm regretting that I took the locks off these doors." He laughed and came over to me. I slid my arms around him and kissed him. I was working my way to a very deep kiss when my cell started ringing. I sighed and answered it.


"Two more kids just missed their bus. I've got a mother willing to take them with her in her cab so they can make their flight. Do I let them?"

"Sure put a note next to their names on the sheet and get her cell number. I'm busy don't call back." I tell him and slid it back in my pocket before going back to kissing Tyler. He pulls me from the door and presses himself back against it.

"Got the time?" He asks.

"I'll make the time." I tell him. I don't worry about what someone might hear there is too much noise of everyone coming and going and playing around in the halls for them to hear us. I slip his skinny jeans over his ass then spin him around. He smiles as I slip myself out and slide right inside of him. He moaned biting his lip.

"What is it with you and biting that lip? Stop harming the poor thing and let out those moans." I tease. He smiles and lets the next one roll out unfettered. The sound spurs me on. This was it. I'd not have another chance to love him before he left. I kept him tight to my chest as I slipped from making love to a fucking pace that would brand myself into him. He'd go home and feel me for days. I wanted to say it wanted to tell him how I felt but I kept the words that clogged my throat from spilling out. Next fall. He'd be here. If he still felt the same way for me I'd tell him. My cell buzzed in my pocket and I ignored it.

"Alex. I'm gonna cum." He says breathy before he shoots all over the closed door and I fill him, yet again, with my cum. He was mine. No other male would doubt it if they got close enough. A phone buzzed but this time it wasn't mine. He pulled out his phone and sighed.

"Dad's here." I pulled out and helped him to clean up before he righted himself. I didn't worry about students smelling us or the room. Even if someone noticed they were all going home. I got his big bag and he got his two smaller ones and I followed him down to the front door. As I passed Simon he grabbed my arm stopping me.

"Go on I'll be right there." Tyler nods and heads off. "Yes?"

"Last night was one thing. But today? You can get caught you know."

"I'll take the chance. Why were you calling back?" I asked assuming it was him.

"Another student missed the bus." I sighed.

"Do you have a couple guys who can be cabs and run them over?"

"Sure." I started off where I saw Tyler outside the gate next to a limo. Instead of fighting to be in line they'd pulled up outside the curb. A burly driver took the bag from me.

"Dad's on a call in the limo." Tyler tells me and I follow him to the trunk. "I want to grab something. The driver nods and goes to the side door. Tyler pulls out his sketch pad and pencils. "If he's gonna do work the whole drive I'm gonna entertain myself." He lingers. We're out of sight out of hearing range of everyone. "I'll probably be here early in the fall. Dad has dropped me early the last couple."

"I'll be here waiting." He turns to me but a voice from the open door comes to us.

"We need to get on the road Tyler." Ty sighs presses a quick kiss to my lips.

"I love you Alex." He says and dashes around the car and inside before I can even think to reply. The driver shuts the trunk gets in and pulls away. He loves me. I grin as I see the car start rolling faster.

AN:  To find out the rest of the story Tyler will be telling it. Come back next week to find out what happens during his summer break. Will they last? What happens that threatens the possibility of their future? 

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