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I was just getting to my room to see Simon knocking on my door.

"Got here quick. So did he confess?" I asked. They never did but I still asked.

"Yes surprisingly. Confessed the whole thing and asked to pass on his apology to." I stared.


"No. Of course not. Said it was all a frame job. He'd hurt himself tripping up the stairs." I snorted.

"Yeah that sounds more like teenagers."

"How's Tyler?"

"He's shook but despite what he might think of himself he's a strong kid." Simon sat watching me and not for the first time lately.

"Ever gonna tell me why you stare like I'm growing mushrooms from my ears? If it's a new seduction technique it doesn't work."

"Nothing does recently." He says. I sipped the glass of whiskey I'd just poured and tried not to sigh heavily. I didn't know why I'd been turning him away for the last few weeks but I just hadn't been in the mood for company. Simon stood and came to me he didn't try for smooth just pulled me to him and kissed me. I didn't respond. Didn't feel like responding at all. He pulled back and sighed. "Any particular reason why you aren't interested anymore? You were still enthusiastic the last time." I sipped my whiskey.

"Honestly I don't know. Could just be the stress is getting to me."

"As I recall when you are stressed out you want it more not less." Yes stress was a relax button for me.

"Maybe I'm bored then. This school is cleaned up, even the council said that they felt comfortable replacing me whenever I wanted to move on. This was only supposed to be a few months gig while I got the place in shape." He sighed. I knew that look. "You obviously have a theory, why not tell me." He stands and heads for the door.

"You aren't ready for my theory yet. Isaac's gonna sleep downstairs with our guest tonight."

"Alright." Simon nods and leaves. I just shake my head and pick up my papers to grade.

I'm almost done when I hear a tentative knock. Looking at the clock I see it's nearly eleven curfew is at nine thirty. I didn't do bedtimes. But I set strict curfew they had to be in their rooms with moderate to no noise by nine thirty. I was very surprised to see Tyler.

"Sorry. I know I'm breaking curfew but... can I come in." I nod and let him in.

"If you are here to get me to change your grade, I don't give out A plus'." He smiled. He shoves his hands deep in his hoodie pocket and started biting his lips.

"I know I might sound kind of like a baby but, can I sleep on your couch tonight?" That was not what I had been expecting. Him to want to hang out for awhile maybe, but that was it really. He was scared the set of his shoulders the completely dressed appearance said he was.

"Sure." He was visibly relieved by that. I got him some sheets and a pillow and he stretched out. "Will I bother you if I finish grading papers."

"No." I went back to my papers and to my surprise with in a few minutes he was asleep. I was just heading for bed when he starts moving in his sleep.

"Tyler?" I go over just as he darts up. He's panicking until he comes back to reality then it's straight to tears. I sit and pull him into my arms. Combing his long hair back from his face I wipe his tears.

"It's alright. You are safe here."

"I didn't want to come to this school so far from the clan. But stuff like this kept happening to me." He looked up at me misery on his face. "Twice I've called my father with torn clothes and the scent of men on me, blood on me from where they hurt me and I don't mean hit me." I stared at him surprised but I guess not shocked that he'd been raped twice. He was beautiful even by shifter standards. "Dad thought coming here would help, I'd be safer. Why can't they just leave me alone?"

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