Chapter 3

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During her run she didn't noticed the sun was gone, the moon replacing it in the sky, but it was barely visible, due to the clouds. Marinette stopped in a dark alleyway to breathe, she wasn't crying anymore, but she had run for hours in the city, without a destination. Her apartment being the place she used to share with Damian, was now in enemy territory, the Wayne Manor as well, it was his family and for sure they had probably knew about all of it for the past two years. They knew everything, they were the BatFam and they owned almost the entirety of Gotham, how could she escape when she had nothing left.

Tikki flew out of the purse and tried to get her holder's attention, without any success. Plagg followed the little god, but when he was about to speak, it started raining, both kwamis rapidly went back to hide in the purse, not wanting to get wet. Marinette walk around town for another hour, before finding herself in front of her friend Jon's apartment. He was Damian's best friend, but maybe he would help her get out of the city, maybe she still had one last friend.

The walked up the stairs and pressed on the doorbell, after a minute without answer, she sighed and started to head back down into the street. She didn't know what to do, she was soaking wet, cold, heartbroken and alone, she had nothing and no one.

Suddenly the front door open behind her and she saw him, Jon Kent who seemed to had just get out of the shower and had only put some clothes on him, to be able to answer the door. He was confused to see her in that state, but his confusion went from a happy smile to really concern face.

"Mari what are you doing here? Why are you soaking wet?" he stepped closer to her and at this moment her legs stopped supporting her and she fell on her knees sobbing. But before she could hurt herself, Jon had picked her up in his arms and was bringing her in a hot shower with the help of Tikki, taking both their clothes, with the exception of their underwear, he sat behind her in the bathtub letting the hot water from the shower fall unto their heads and body.

Marinette was still crying in his arms, while he was rubbing her back and hair, trying to comfort her. At this point, he saw it and heard it, he looked at the kwamis for an answer and Plagg sadly smiled and nodded. Jon knew he would protect her with his life, he had always loved her, but she had chosen his best friend and he had to accept it, seeing her like that raised more questions, so took a chance to asked.

"Mari... What happened? You know you can tell me anything," his voice was soft and calm, he didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

"He chose her... she won again... he said I was... nothing... to him... He abandoned me... like all of them..." if it wasn't for his super hearing, he probably wouldn't have been able to understand her words in between her sobs.

Now he knew exactly what was going on and he was livid. He rocked her for a couple of minutes, before he closed the water and they got into warm clothes, giving her the only thing he had that would fit her, a hoodie and sweatpants. Jon made sure she hate something and drank plenty of water, before cuddling with her on his couch. Marinette cried herself to sleep that night, in his arms and he placed her in his bed, before he could have a conversation with the small gods.

Tikki told him everything and Jon had to refrain himself not to flight to the Wayne's and blow up the whole manor, but the goddess of creation was able to stop him. With the two magical being it was decided that Superboy and Tikki would go to the apartment and take all of Marinette's things and bring them to his place.

It took them about 2 hours of Tikki gathering and directing Jon on what was Marinette or what she shouldn't bring with her in her new start. Once everything was packed Tikki told him where to find the Miracle Box and she went to get Kaalki, so they wouldn't have to travel with all of Mari's stuff. Jon was glad Damian wasn't there nothing, probably on patrol or with his new girlfriend, this only thought making him gag in disgust. He had wish his former friend would be there so he could have beat him up for the young woman sleeping in his bed, but this was better for everyone.

Jon went to bed after calling both his and Marinette's work to let them know they would be 'home sick' all week. He would start apartment and job hunting, the next morning, he needed to get Mari out of Gotham and Metropolis wasn't the best idea if they wanted to escape the Wayne's and the Justice League. He lays down next to his friend and after making sure she was okay, fell asleep.

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