Chapter 9

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During the next year, Damian buried himself in work and missions with the Justice League. He was grieving and there was nothing his family could do about it, but trying to support him. Batman had tried multiple time to talk to Superman, but each time he ended up being brush off by Wonder Woman. The founding trio wasn't working together anymore, Batman being put aside or given his own missions. It was clear to everyone that there was an issue, but it never came up, only the Bats and the Supers knowing about it.

A year had pass and the Rossi trial was over. Batman took the time to explain the mission during an all Justice League Associates meeting and show the results putting a lot of time on the methods used during the investigation, so the younger members could learn. It only took five minutes before Superman, Kon-El, Supergirl and Wonder Woman left the room angry, leaving the head of the Batclan on his own and the rest of the members confused.

He decided to continue his presentation and keep the issue for later, but he never finished it. An alarm went off and the whole team put their attention on the screen, Red Robin working on finding as much information as possible on the threat.

"Ugh! It's a magical field, Zatanna I'm gonna need your help," he said turning to her, she looked terrified, she didn't said anything and shook her head.

"Don't bother Red Robin," said Wonder Woman when she entered the room. "We'll need someone much more powerful." The princess turned to Superman and she nodded, he turned back and left to make a phone call. Everyone was sitting and observing the event unfold with curiosity, for some of them it was their first alert in the Watchtower, so it was exciting.

Superman came back and shouted "They're on their way!" before joining his associates on forming a plan of attack and figuring out the best to get to the destination. All the conversations stopped when a portal opened at the back of the room, most heroes in defense positions, ready to attack. They were really surprised when Ladybug and Superboy, came out of it, with a baby and two toddlers.

The little girl released her hand from her mothers and flew to Superman, almost tackling him, the older boy ran and was catch by Kon, giggling, both of them shouting.


"Uncle Kon!"

Supergirl flew to join Superboy and took the baby girl from his arms claiming she didn't had enough 'auntie time' lately. Ladybug hugged and they both laughed. The Parisian heroine made her way in the crowd her husband following close by.

"Wonder Woman it's a pleasure to see you again! You should come to the next family dinner and see the kids," said Ladybug while giving 'la bise' to the Amazone Princess.

"It will be a pleasure! They grew up so fast! Look at her, when did she learn how to fly?"

"Two weeks ago and I'm having trouble following her around," joked Superboy. "Kon would you please take the kids to the training? I don't want them to see any of it."

Kon took the kids out of the conference room, followed by his friend Wonder Girl. The baby had fallen asleep in Supergirl's arms, making it easier for the parents to concentrate on the threat.

"So what do we have?" asked Ladybug, making her way to the tactile table, with all the information that was found.

"Looks like a powerful magical being in Shanghai, but I can't tell what it is and all our magic users seemed scared of it," stated Red Robin without looking away from the computer. Ladybug carefully looked at the screen, her eyes analysing all the data and videos, that appeared on it. After a few minutes, she gasped and turned to table and started putting her plan of action on display, with everyone looking at her intrigued.

"It's LadyDragon, she's in trouble. I'll need the horse, Superboy, Superman, Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman. Because I can't have the cat, I'll take the snake, it'll give us a second chance. It's always welcome with how powerful the Prodigious is.

"The Flash, Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Arsenal, Speedy and Impulse you're on civilian duty, get them out of there as fast as possible and try to see if people and hiding. Aquaman and Aqualad I will need your help to control the Huangpu River, last time it's what helped us defeat him.

"Shazam, Booster Gold, Huntress, Miss Martian, Cyborg and Martian Manhunter be ready to jumping at any time, you guys are my stand by team. Black Canary, Green Lantern and John Constantine you will be in charge of everything in here, I need you to be my eyes and ears outside the battle field.

"Oh! And before I forget. I don't want any Magic Users near Shanghai until we're done, I don't want to deal with any problems between your magic and the miraculous magic. But if you see anything or think of something, please talk to Constantine about it and he will be able to tell if it can help us out here," the small woman looked at everyone in the room, before turning to her husband, who seemed really concern

"Are you sure it's a good idea? It could be really dangerous for you and –"

"Yes, I know. But it's Fei, she's my sister, I can't let her fight alone, I can't let her die without at least trying. And as much as I love it, I will do anything to protect our children and they will always come first," she gave him a kiss on the cheek, before turning to Supergirl.

"LB let me help you, please!"

"You're already helping. I need you and Kon to protect them while we're out there. Remember what we talked about, I can't have us and you guys in the same battle. If anything happens to us they will need you," Ladybug and Supergirl exchanged a smiled and hugged each other.

"Please be careful," whispered the Kryptonian.

"Always," responded the Parisian. She turned to the rest of the members of the Justice League and took a pair of glasses from her yoyo and transformed into Pegabug.

"All right, everyone get ready to follow and travel to Shanghai!" she told them. "Voyage!" the portal opened and they all stepped into it, ready to fight.

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