Allistor, We're Busting Out.

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Hi you guys! Sooooooo I'll be really honest. I got really lazy. I've been reading so much BillDip fanfics lately and I'm slowly letting go of my Hetalian side. I'm not as enthusiastic as I used to be about it, but I'll try my best to complete this. I wish I wrote down Alisa's plan though. So yeah things won't go as originally planned since I have to come up with another plan. I hope you guys enjoy! <3

Alisa's POV

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. I've been watching the clock hung up on the wall. Ugh, If I stayed here any longer, I'd go insane. I stared at Allistor, who seemed to have the same thoughts, judging by his bored expression.

When the long hand finally touched 12, I watched the new guard log in for the next shift. The other one left, which means I can finally start the plan! I sat down on the floor beside my cell door. I held my knees to my chest and tucked in my head, throwing in some sniffing sounds to make it seem like I was crying.

That definitely got the attention of the new guard, who approached my cell then crouched down to talk to me. "Hey kid, what are you doing in here?" He asked softly. He seems nice. Such a shame I'd have to knock him out later. I looked up at him, giving him the my-lollipop-was-taken-away-from-me look. I rubbed at my eyes and weakly said, "Th-they put me in here bec-cause I tried to pickpocket a guy's wallet." He made a 'tsk' noise and asked why I did it. I told him I had a twin and two little siblings to feed. I was in luck because I got so much dirt on myself earlier during investigation, sneaking in the conference room, and of course dragging myself all around the cell, plus I haven't gotten my hair cut yet, so it reached until my waist already. Maybe after we break out I could get a haircut!

The officer seemed conflicted for a second, then got his keys from his back pocket and unlocked my cell. "Look kid, that was wrong of you. You can go now, take care of your siblings, alright?" He told me and opened the door for me. I brightened up and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much!" I said. I then let go of him and whispered a little apology before before kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. He fell down to the floor and tried to grab for me, but I punched him hard in the face, using just a little magic to knock him out. I grabbed his keys and jumped over to Allistor's cell, setting him free as well.

"Took you long enough, Lis." He said and stretched his arms and legs. I rolled my eyes at him. "Just be glad we're free." I glanced up at the clock to check the time: 10:00pm. I turned to Allistor. "Hey, after we find a hideout, could you cut my hair for me?" I asked him. He raised an eyebrow. "You should ask Franny, not me, kid, but I'll try." He said with a shrug. We quietly searched around the room for my backpack, which had my spell book and a few normal school books and school supplies to hide it. It was inside one of the drawers, so I picked it up and wore it, feeling the comfortable weight of it on my back.

We passed through the back exit, the one they used when they wanted to smoke or whatever they wanted to do. Nobody ever guards that door since they think nobody else knows where it is. Tough luck for them, I spotted the door from my little window inside, so I knew where to go. After walking out the door and closing it, we sprinted into the forest.

But Alisa, why didn't you two just teleport back to the school or something?

Well, first of all, we couldn't risk someone catching us doing witchcraft. Second of all, we could clearly hear the commotion happening inside the office, and it was kind of in our instincts to run right away. We ran passed huge trees, earning a few scratches from their branches, and only stopped when we reached a cliff. I looked down, and saw it was a pretty high fall.

"Where now?" I asked between pants. He looked around and seemed to formulate an idea before he decided to grab my arm and dragging me to the left. I yelped when he started running as I tried to catch up to him. I tried asking for an explanation, but he chose not to say anything.

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