The Annoying "Detective"

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*throws update at all of you along with a cookie* HERE IS YOUR UPDATE AFTER ASDFGHJKL; YEARS OF NOTHING. Seriously guys this Arc is like, interesting to you??? AWESOMEEEEE. Oh so I was rereading my whole fanfic, and I realized my first chapters were crap. .-. So sorry about that. But I won't fix it though XD If I do that it'll get mixed up again =.=

Disclaimer: Can I buy Hetalia? No? Okay. We all want Hetalia to be ours though. My major fandom for life *^* 


Alisa's Point of View

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked the so-called "detective" working on the case. He was about seventeen  of age, blonde hair with black highlights here and there, and he had icy blue eyes. His name was Cielo Kaiser. The thing I was annoyed about was, he was my bully back in my old school. EVERYBODY had a bully, I mean come on guys, don't deny it. If you didn't, well then it's either you're the bully or you lived a great life.

"Just so you know, they assigned this case to me, I didn't choose it. How was I supposed to know you studied here?" He replied with a smirk. Arghhh! He seriously annoys me! "Whatever, Kaiser. Just don't expect any greetings from me anytime soon," I told him and decided to inspect the body instead. I was about to start, when he intervened. "I'm the detective here, not you. And besides, how do I know you're not the murderer, poppet?" The nerve of this guy! 

I was so thankful for what Scotland did next. He pulled me away from Cielo, and stood in between us. He glared down at Cielo, who didn't even flinch. "She wasn't even here when the whole thing started. She was with me back in Scotland, so back off." He said and walked away, still holding onto me. "Thanks for bailing me out, Allistor." I whispered to him. He merely snorted and let go of me when I was beside England. "I'm going to smoke." So he left us while we were just staring at each other awkwardly, waiting for someone to break the silence.

“Who was that, Alisa?" he finally said. I glared at nothing in particular. “An old ‘friend',” I said spitefully, “Apparently he's going to be in charge of investigations in this case." England's lips simply formed an ‘o', he could hear from my voice's tone that we're not chummy.

Marisa came around a few minutes later. “Hey, Alisa, did you see that jerk?! He says that he's the detective!" Oh, yeah, Marisa went to the same school I went to, so she saw Cielo a couple of times.

Okay, maybe not a couple of times. After all, she was my friend even back then.

“Anyway, are we going to check out what happened to that Melody girl?" Marisa asked. “Kaiser's in charge of the case, we can't interfere," I reasoned. She, however, had a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Whoever said he had to know?" she smirked. England just sighed, but nodded. I didn't have much of a choice if both of them agreed to it. We headed to the murder site, and the body was left alone. The search party must have gone back in to discuss with Cielo.

The corpse looked, put bluntly, terrible. Her hair was a mess, her uniform was ripped and bloodstained, and there was a lot of wounds covering her body. I could've sworn I saw a few bones. I felt like I was going to be sick.

England and surprisingly, Marisa, were taking the sight rather calmly. She walked over to the corpse, making a face only when she touched it.

“Marisa, what are you doing?" I asked her. “Examining," she said. “Do you even know how?!" Her voice drowned me out.

“Basing on how fresh her body looks, she's been dead one to two weeks, but I can't be sure," she droned, “Blunt force trauma to her forehead and ribcage, meaning she was slammed facedown on a surface. The cause of death looks like… a puncture wound to her stomach." She pointed out the fatal wound. “She must have bled out…" England whispered. “That's terrible," I replied.

“That's all I can see right now, good night," Marisa said, turning to walk away. I grabbed her arm. “Hey! How do you know all this?!" I asked her. Marisa was never one to spend her time in a library, and they wouldn't teach that in school, it's too advanced, and too scientific.

“Well, while you were gone, it isn't as fun," she admitted, “Sunniva brought DVDs in case she got bored, but they turned out to be a science-y crime series. There wasn't anything to do, so I joined her sometimes. And I maaay have picked up some stuff from there, hehe." I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I think it would be best to go back to the dorms now. See you around!"

“It's good to have you back, Alisa," Marisa smiled.


HetaTimcanpy here. Since Xarline here is suffering serious writer's block right now, I am curing it. I think. xD I don't own that crime series though, it's a real show (whoever knows this show will be cyber-glomped). No, I don't own Hetalia either. Anyway, back to you, Xarline!

I owe you big time!!! //glomps HetaTimCanpy// anyways there you go! This is all we can manage for now okay?? XD We'll try harder next time! Yes, we. E u E She's gonna be my co-writer!!!! >w< I have another one but she doesn't have a wattpad account so... yeah you'll meet her soon eue

until the next update~

xx Xarline Kirkland xx

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