Kicked Out! (Cont.)

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Ominiscent Point of View

After a few minutes of bickering and persuading Alisa to ride along with Arthur's plan, she finally gave in, realizing that they wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Ugh, you guys owe me so much for this. Plus I'll have to ask help from Marisa and Sunniva with this! They are way better detectives than I am, to be honest." She admitted. Arthur nodded and sat back down on his chair. "I'm sure they won't mind at all. Allistor," he turned to his brother, "make sure to help Alisa to make our plan successful. I know both of you have been working very hard on your training, but I just want to avoid as much casualties as possible." Arthur explained.

"No problem. Did the board approve?" Allistor asked, and received a nod. "Although they only permitted a maximum of two weeks, since the seniors need as much training as possible for their final exams."

After their short conversation, they walked out of campus and hopped in Arthur's car, driving to the city jail, where Alisa and Allistor were to be placed under questioning.


After a few minutes Cielo finally arrived at the station. When he first entered, he quickly spotted Alisa and smirked at her. He approached her and started, "Look who we have here~"

She glared at him. "Jerk." She said. If she wasn't in jail right now, she probably would have strangled him already. He shook his head, chuckling a bit. "I can't believe you still have the guts to say that after getting caught by my amazing deducting skills." He replied.

He took a few more steps closer and leaned against Alisa, with only an inch gap between them. "So, where are you keeping the missing students, hmm?" He asked. Alisa, being the great actress she is, decided to roll along with it.

"How should I know? My other accomplice is in charge of taking care of the bodies. I'm just in charge of sending the letters." She said with a shrug. She pointed to Allistor. "He's the one who keeps updated with the other guy." She finished.

Arthur had to keep himself from smiling. Well played, Alisa, he thought.

Cielo walked over to Allistor and narrowed his eyes at him. "Where are the students being held?" He asked coldly. Allistor seemed unaffected by this and shrugged his shoulders like Alisa. "Beats me. Besides, why should I tell you? It's not like you care about any of them. You don't even know them." He stated.

Alisa raised an eyebrow at Allistor. Nice one~ She thought.

Cielo sighed and and walked away, talking to one of the guards before turning to Arthur. "Don't forget our deal, mister Kirkland." He said before walking out the door and leaving. The guards Cielo talked to earlier dragged Allistor and Alisa to two different cells, and locked them up. "Detective Kaiser will return the following day to continue the interrogation." One of the guards said before going back to his post.

Arthur nodded to the two, conveying a message telepathically. 'Our plan starts tonight, so make sure you find a way to escape." Then he left and returned to the school.

For a moment, Allistor and Alisa seemed to be in deep thoughts. Allistor was thinking about the plan. Would it really work? What if that detective had hired a spy to look after them? Allistor quickly looked around, looking for someone who seemed suspicious.

Alisa, on the other hand, was planning out their escape. For seconds she simply stared at the guard who had the keys. He was standing outside another cell, keeping a close eye on the other prisoners. She knew for a fact that using magic was risky. If these guards found out what they were capable of, they'd be killed in no time!

Then her eyes landed on Allistor. A plan was starting to form in her mind, she just needed to discuss it with Allistor! Unfortunately, their cells were so far from each other.

She tried getting his attention by sighing really loudly and staring at him. Luckily, it got his attention. She had this expression that said, ALLISTOR KIRKLAND YOU HAD BETTER LINK ME TO YOUR MIND OR ELSE I AM GONNA KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP, and so he linked them.

"What do you need?" He asked. "I've got a plan in mind to help us escape tonight. So here's how it goes..." She starts talking about her fullproof plan.


Meanwhile in Arthur's side, he's left to deal with Alisa's worried friends bombarding him with questions.

"She's in JAIL?!" Sunniva nearly screamed. "She didn't even do anything, jegus fu—" but Anna already cut her to it. "What the fxck dude? You can't believe him, alright? He HATES Alisa."

He really couldn't stand all the fuss the girls were making, so he slammed his fist on his table, silencing the room. "Look, she's perfectly fine. If you would just LISTEN, I can explain our plan." He said. "The two of them will be our eyes from the outside. Meanwhile, Marisa and Sunniva will secretly help with the investigation. The rest of you need to keep a close eye on that detective to make sure he doesn't stumble upon anything... unusual. I'll inform the other nations about this matter. Hopefully, they'll lend a hand in stopping whoever started this mess." He said and shooed them out, telling them to study. "You'll need all the knowledge to stop this killer." He told them.

After all, they could be dealing with someone magically inclined here.

It really couldn't be some normal stranger, no, he'd never get passed the gates.

They're definitely dealing with a real threat here.


I guess that's all I can offer for now. =7= I really didn't plan on updating any time soon, but I had nothing to do so I just wrote this uwu It's kinda short though because I had to type it on the spot, unlike the last one. Anyways vote if you liked it, or suggest anything that could possibly make it better, or something that you might want to see in later chapters!

See ya till the next update~ <3

Btw I can't guarantee it has correct grammar or if it made any sense at all because I was pretty much half asleep when I wrote this.

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