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Name: Matthew RhodesAge: 22Quirk: The Devil's Rage- Matthew's quirk took after his father's, giving him the ability to turn into a humanoid version of a demon

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Name: Matthew Rhodes
Age: 22
Quirk: The Devil's Rage- Matthew's quirk took after his father's, giving him the ability to turn into a humanoid version of a demon. He'll grow horns from his head and a tail. His strength will increase and whatever rage he feels at that time will increase tenfold. His pain tolerance will be at its highest (depending on how much power he's using at the time.) and his physical abilities will be as well. His eyes will go black and his pupils will turn a bright red. He will also be able to control fire.

Friends/family: Timothy Rhodes,Rebecca Rhodes, Naomi Shima, Mina Ashido, Naoki Satō, Ivory Midoriya
Dating: Ivory Midoriya

Name: Naomi ShimaAge: 22Quirk: Ghoul- Naomi's quirk is a hybrid of both her parents, having the wings and stoning abilities of her father and the vampire abilities of her mother

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Name: Naomi Shima
Age: 22
Quirk: Ghoul- Naomi's quirk is a hybrid of both her parents, having the wings and stoning abilities of her father and the vampire abilities of her mother. Her wings are shaped downwards and they have a larger wingspan than her dads. Her wings are movable even when hardened into stone which provides an advantage on the battlefield. And much like her mother, she has super hearing and (although it's not as strong as her mom's) strong bloodlust, which heightens her other senses.

Friends/family: Sora Shima, Matthew Rhodes, Rebecca Rhodes, Mina Ashido, Naoki Satō, Ivory Midoriya
Dating: Mina Ashido

Name: Mina AshidoAge: 20Quirk: Acid- Mina took after her grandmother with the ability to produce powerful acid from her skin

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Name: Mina Ashido
Age: 20
Quirk: Acid- Mina took after her grandmother with the ability to produce powerful acid from her skin. She's able to control the flow of the acid to some extent and she can make acid powerful enough to destroy tough metals.

Friends/family: Inko Midoriya, Ivory Midoriya, Matthew Rhodes, Naomi Shima, Rebecca Rhodes, Naoki Satō, Yuga Aoyama
Dating: Naomi Shima

Friends/family: Inko Midoriya, Ivory Midoriya, Matthew Rhodes, Naomi Shima, Rebecca Rhodes, Naoki Satō, Yuga Aoyama Dating: Naomi Shima

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Name: Naoki Satō
Quirk: Time loop- Naoki take after his mother and can use time to his advantage. He can slow down time and pretty much reload a specific point in time for as long as he'd like (present time to be exact). For example, if he were to get into a fight, he'd be able to put his opponent in a time loop and that opponent would be stuck until he let them out.

Friends/family: Kaede Satō, Matthew Rhodes, Rebecca Rhodes, Naomi Shima, Mina Ashido, Ivory Midoriya
Dating: Rebecca Rhodes

Name: Ivory Midoriya Age: 22Quirk: Blank Mind- Ivory took after her father with her quirk, who had the ability to create hallucinations

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Name: Ivory Midoriya
Age: 22
Quirk: Blank Mind- Ivory took after her father with her quirk, who had the ability to create hallucinations. The specific variation of her quirk gives her the ability to dig deep into a person's mind and find things that would absolutely terrify them, if she chose to. Fortunately in her opinion, ivory doesn't use her quirk often to avoid such outcomes.

Friends/family: Inko Midoriya, Mina Ashido, Matthew Rhodes, Rebecca Rhodes, Naomi Shima, Naoki Satō, Yuga Aoyama
Dating: Matthew Rhodes

Friends/family: Inko Midoriya, Mina Ashido, Matthew Rhodes, Rebecca Rhodes, Naomi Shima,  Naoki Satō, Yuga AoyamaDating: Matthew Rhodes

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Name: Rebecca Rhodes
Age: 22
Quirk: Whiplash- Rebecca took after her mother, making her able to produce powerful winds. If she wanted, her winds could be powerful enough to blow away anything within a 200 mile radius.

Friends/family: Timothy Rhodes, Matthew Rhodes, Naomi Shima, Mina Ashido, Naoki Satō, Ivory Midoriya
Dating: Naoki Satō

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