Ten: Playing Dirty

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3rd person pov

It took a second for Ivory to acknowledge; the fact that she was bleeding wasn't the problem. She's dealt with a few bloody noses before. What got to her, was the fact that Uraraka had the nerve to yell about it. Soon enough, the voices below her had faded into a solid hum, and her vision was becoming blurry. She was pissed. For the first time in a long time, she felt like hurting someone. All that pent up anger, pain, betrayal finally wanted to come loose. Her breathing picked up, and eventually the group below her could her laughing.

Uraraka looked up at her, both confused and irritated.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" She yelled.

Asahi looked up at his daughter- as did her group- and for a second, he was concerned. Ivory had a habit of going a bit overboard when she was upset, especially as a child, but they had worked with her on it and eventually it faded. This was the first time since her elementary years that he had seen her so upset, so full of rage. And he was conflicted between being proud and scared.

"Ivory, I know you're upset right now, but you need to calm down. You could hurt yourself if you don't get your emotions back under control." He yelled as he looked at her face.

Ivory continued to laugh, her smile cruel and angry, and her fist balled so tightly that her nails dug into her palms. 

"You know, I really wanted to avoid this. I tried to let it go and to let you leave with your face intact. But if you wanna play dirty, I'll make sure you stay in the recovery room for a week!" Ivory yelled, ignoring her father. The only people that existed right now, were her and the girl she was looking at. 

Ivory's pupils slowly morphed into spirals and the area around the two had went black. This caught the brunette off guard, so she disabled her quirk, looking around herself in a slight panic. However when she turned around to see Ivory, the girl was gone. This only freaked the girl out more, and she started to feel anxious.

"W-what the hell is this?! Where are you, you freak?!" She screamed. The only reply she was met with was the echoing laughter that seemed to be coming from all angles. It was pitch black, the only exception being the dull light pointed down on her, and that didn't help much.

"It's been such a long time since I've been back here. Makes me miss it." Ivory's voice echoes but it sounds a bit disorienting now.

Ochaco continued to look around, unable to see the girl, making her angrier as time went on.

"Cut the bullshit you freak! Come out and face me, you pathetic loser!" She screamed, earning her a punch in the gut.

"Let's see what makes you tick." Ivory said, pushing the girl from behind and making her fall into a hard surface. When Ochaco looked back up, she was standing in front of her old house- or a scarier version of it. There were no neighboring houses, nor any leaves on the surrounding trees. The wood looked almost dead and the paint was chipping. This home was null of any life.

"Come on Ochaco~ You don't want to keep me waiting, do you?"  A voice beckons from within the structure. The brunette walks up and enters the house, her guard back up now. She looks around the interior, and it looks exactly the way it did when she was younger, but like the outside of the house, it was null of it's beauty. Cracked walls, smashed plates and bowls, cigar burns- it looked horrible. But it brought back a sense of melancholy, memories of household life coming back to life.

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