𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯: 𝘖𝘩 𝘕𝘰

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3rd person POV
"Fine, I admit it. I like Matthew a lot more than I thought I would. I just don't want to get hurt. I'm afraid that I might fuck up and do something that hurts him. Then he'll leave me, just like everyone else." Ivory's said on the verge of tears.

Aoyama understood where she was coming from, but reassured her that this relationship would be different.

"Listen darling from what I've been told, I can tell you with absolutely certainty, it would take one hell of a lot for you to do anything that would damage your relationship." Aoyama said handing her a napkin.

Ivory wanted to believe him, but she couldn't. Deep down she still had that fear. That overwhelming feeling that she'd mess up.

Aoyama managed to shift the conversation to a more positive one, and they continued with their day.

After hours of being out, the pair finally came back.  Ivory walked off to her room and decided to take a quick shower.

She got dressed and left her room with her headphones in her hand.


——As she made her way to the common room, just as the day before, she could tell that there were quite a few people in the area already

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As she made her way to the common room, just as the day before, she could tell that there were quite a few people in the area already. Many of the voices she heard sounded like those of the students from UA. So, before entering she plugged in her headphones and turned up the volume. She continued into the room and into the kitchen; completely tuned out of her surroundings.

She went in the freezer and grabbed her container of ice cream. Naoki made sure to put her name on the container before sticking it in the fridge, as it was obvious she didn't plan on getting it right away. As she pulled her arm out of the freezer, she could tell that the container was lighter than it should have been; considering its size.

Ivory took off the lid to see that her ice cream had been eaten. And it wasn't just a little that was eaten, whoever opened her ice cream had eaten almost the entire container and then put it back.

Her face instantly deflated as she put the top back on and threw the container away.
Just as she was about to leave, she saw Naomi and Rebecca coming her way.

She took off her headphones and hung them around her neck.

"Hey guys." She said with a faint smile.

"Hey Ivory!" Naomi said giving her a hug.

"Sup." Rebecca said.

"How are you?" Naomi asked.

"To be honest, I'm feeling a bit down."

"Why, what happened?" Rebecca asked.

"My ice cream, it's gone." Ivory said with a sigh.

"Wait, how? Me and Naoki specifically bought a big enough container to last you this week, since you tend to randomly crave ice cream. There should still be some." Rebecca said slightly pissed off.

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