𝘖𝘯𝘦: 𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵

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3rd person POV
It was a warm afternoon, sun rays came through the school windows, coloring the halls in a rainbow glow. Over in the U-A dormitories, class 1-A gathered in the common room, chatting amongst each other. They gathered to talk about a classmate. Unfortunately though, they weren't chatting to be nice.

"Well, what are we going to do about her *kero*? It's obvious that none of us are going to be able to do this much longer." Tsuyu said in a crisscross position on the floor.

"I must admit, this charade is becoming rather unpleasant." Iida said sitting on the couch.

"I say we just cut her off now. Like frog-face said, none of you idiots are going to be able to keep this up. We've got what we wanted out of her. She's practically useless now." Bakugou said with his arms crossed.

"I have to agree with Bakugou. I'm getting bored of her and I no longer need her. I need an excuse to get rid of her." Todoroki said in a monotone voice.

"That's right 'roki, you don't need her anymore. You have me! And I'm so much more than she'll ever be baby." Momo said whispering into the man's ear.

"Hehe! It'll be nice to finally see her put down a few pegs. I mean being around someone as sad as her is honestly draining." Uraraka said laughing.

"You could make a list of things that she'd need to fix. Like her clothes, her hair, her face, body, even her personality." Toru said snickering along with the other girls.

"Exactly! She's always so clingy. Get a life." Said one of the others.

"And that squeaky voice. Makes me want to rip my ears off or hit her in the face." Said Jiro, covering her ears.

"You know what would be fun?" Uraraka said, smiling maliciously.

"What?" Asked Momo.

"We should spread rumors about her. We're already getting rid of her, why not make sure she doesn't have any other friends? I wanna make her miserable."

"That is so evil! I'm so in." Momo squealed.

"So when exactly are we cutting 'deku' off?"


The class agreed and continued to talk about the girl. They were so busy talking that they didn't here the footsteps leading away from the room.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up! Come on pick up the the phone Ivory." Mina whispered as her phone rung. No one answered.
She tried again, same result.

"Aoyama! He's gotta know where she is." She called the man's phone.

"Why hello Amie! To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" He answered.

"Do you know where Ivory is?" She asked, her voice frantic. Aoyama noticed her voice and his delightful expression changed.

"She's at her mother's house. Is something the matter?" He asked.

"Do you know when she'll be coming back?"

"Not until tomorrow. What's wrong Chère?" Worry painted his face.

"The class. They plan on basically ruining her life tomorrow and I don't want her getting hurt." She said looking into the phone.

"What do you mean 'ruin her life'?"

"Everyone's going to break off their friendships, Todoroki is going to break up with her and admit he was cheating, and they're going to spread rumors so the whole school hates her. I'm scared she'll get hurt."

"Well then we'll have to tell her before they can do anything." Aoyama stated.

"I tried, she won't pick up."

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