𝘚𝘪𝘹: 𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨

352 4 0

3rd person POV
"And what if I do?" Matthew asked.

"Hey, calm down ok?" Ivory said turning to Matthew.

"I'm sorry Ochaco but I don't really feel well right now. I'm sure we could talk later." Ivory said not even looking at the girl.

"I see. Well, I'll see you later, bestie." Uraraka snickered walking off.

Hearing the brunette say that word hurt Ivory. Because at one point, she was thought that word meant something. But, Ivory soon learned that it meant nothing at all. Of course she didn't let her sadness show and was soon distracted by hearing both her and Matthew's names called.

"Hey Matthew! Ivory! We're doing a movie night to welcome the new kids. You guys wanna join?" A classmate asked.

"Only if you want to." Matthew said looking at Ivory.

She thought for a second, and against her better judgment, she agreed. The two sat down on the couch, and waited for the movie to start.

The lights were turned off and the movie started. Food and snacks were eventually brought out and everyone sat together. 1-A sat together and Everyone else sat scattered throughout the area.

As the movie progressed, Ivory felt that feeling of being watched return again. It wasn't as bad this time, but it was definitely there. Ivory decided not to see where it was coming from this time and kept watching the movie.

As the first movie ended, some people left so one of the couches cleaned out. By the time the second movie started, Matthew ended up laying his head on Ivory's lap as she played in his hair.

People continued to leave and eventually, so did Ivory and Matthew. Matthew walked Ivory to her dorm room but he stopped her before she was able to closed her door.

"Hey.. I know it's not any of my business but, did you know that Todoroki kid?" He asked.

"I'm kinda surprised you know his name. But yeah, I did know him." Ivory said leaning against her doorframe.

"How exactly?" He asked. Ivory was a bit confused but still answered.

"He was my ex, before I moved here. We broke up for.. personal reasons. What's with the sudden interest? I don't mind of course." She asked.

Matthew's facial expression changed for a moment but then returned to it original position.

"Just asking." He said.

"Oh. Well good night Matthew." She said with a smile.

"'Night princess." He said with a smirk.

Ivory blushed and quickly closed her door. Matthew chuckled and walked off. Ivory was about to go lay down, when she heard a knock on her door.

She checked who it was through the peephole and immediately went silent.

"Ivory? Can you please let me in?" Todoroki asked.

She turned her back against the door hoping he would go away but to no avail.

"Come on Ivory. I know you're in there." He said knocking on the door again.

Ivory stayed quiet, but her silence was only met with anger.

"Let me in Ivory. You can't hide from me forever." He said getting irritated.

"What do you want?" Ivory shouted, clasping her hand over her mouth in regret afterwards.

"I want to talk to you. Just let me in and we can talk." He said.

"You can talk fine out there. Now what do you want?"

"Don't be like that baby. Just let me in." He said.

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