𝘍𝘪𝘷𝘦: 𝘍𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘮

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3rd person POV
One week passed. And then the next, and the next. The days were going by faster than expected and panic started to show in Ivory's behavior.

While it had been two years since she had seen her former 'peers', she was still healing from the damage they had caused. She was afraid seeing them again would bring back emotions that she wasn't quite ready to deal with.  Mina and the group, (at least those who knew about the situation), tried to comfort her.

The day eventually came and Ivory just so happened to be chosen as their guide. Naomi earlier convinced Matthew to join her, under the ruse of spending more time with her.
They stood outside of the school, along with the principal and waited as two mini vans pulled into the parking lot.

Once they stopped, Aizawa exited and walked up to them.

"Hello sir. I assume you're Mr. Shota Aizawa?" The lady said.

"That would be me."

"Alright then. I would love to show you around myself, however I am very busy at the moment. My students will be showing you around instead. I will see you all later on today." She said walking away.

Aizawa looked over at the two kids and smiled slightly at Ivory.

"How's it been kid?" He asked.

"Hey Mr Aizawa. I've been good. How about you?" Ivory said smiling.

"As good as I can be I suppose." Aizawa said.

Aizawa made a signal towards the vans and the class began to come out. One after the other each student came out,all standing before Ivory. She took a deep breath and stepped forward.

Let's get this over with.

"Hello students of 1-A. It is nice to see you all again. Me and my friend Matthew will be showing you all around." She said trying to hide the discomfort in her voice.

The class began to speak and their voices overpowered Ivory's. She tried to talk but backed down due to the overwhelming noise. Matthew got tired and spoke up.

"Yo! Shut the fuck up! Can't y'all see she's trying to talk? Stop being assholes and listen." He said.

The class convention came to a halt and ivory continued to speak.

"As I was saying, before we head inside, please do know that although classes are not being held, it would be appreciated if you all try to avoid making too much noise." She said.

She looked to see if the class was paying attention and most of them were. However she found herself locking eyes with Todoroki. He stared directly at her with an angry glare in his eyes.

Ivory shivered, an unwanted feeling of nervousness came over. Aizawa spoke to her and snapped her out of her thoughts.

"So we can start now?"

"Oh. O-of course. Follow me." She said.

They began the tour, but Ivory couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched. Though she tried to remain calm, she couldn't. Her anxiety eventually got the best of her.

"Matthew." She whispered.

"Yeah? What's up?" He asked sensing her discomfort.

"I don't feel good right now. Like at all. Is it possible we could just stop the tour here and finish tomorrow?" She asked on the verge of tears.

"Yeah. We can do that." He said.

"Just take them to the dorms please? I'll deal with the rest later." She said leaving.

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