Eleven: House Arrest

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3rd person POV

It wasn't until an hour and a half later that Ivory finally woke up. She was seated in her bed, surrounded by the group. Mina sat on the bed next to her, Rebecca and Naoki sat on the floor near the desk, Naomi pretzel-style across from them. Matthew on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen. Ivory slowly sat up and stretched, wincing as she felt a sudden throbbing pain in her head.

"Guys, she's awake."Naomi said as she noticed the girl moving. The group immediately became alert.

"Where's Matthew? Or my dad?" Ivory asked backing up against the headboard.

"Mr. Midoriya came to bring you in, but he asked us to stay back with you until you woke up. Matthew's getting you some medicine and stuff, in case you feel sick later. He's going to be with you for the rest of the day." Naoki said.

"What about you guys?"

"He told us to head back to class when we were sure you were okay. I actually have to head to his office when we head out."

"Wait, so I can't go back to class?"

"That's something else he wanted us to tell you. Thanks to what happened during training, the head council is putting you on house arrest." Naomi said as she stood up.

"House arrest.. great. For how long?" Ivory asked, more irritated than shocked by the news.

"The next two weeks. They agreed to let the incident slide under the rug; because she hit you first, and broke the rules of the match. But you did some pretty bad damage Ivy. She'll be in recovery for at least a week, or at least that's what the Recovery girl said."

Mina chuckled and sighed getting out of the bed and stretching her arms.

"Serves her right. With the amount of shit they pulled, I would've done the same thing."

"True. But you should've seen the look on Matthew's face when he saw what you did. Speaking of which, how did you do that? I think it goes without saying, we've never seen your quirk in action before." Rebecca asked, curious. But their time was cut short.

"We have to go guys. We'll check in on you after school, so in about two hours. Matthew should be here soon." Mina said as the group left the room one by one.

"I'll see you guys later." Ivory whispered as she left. Her head hurt, and she was still trying to wrap her head around what happened.

The last thing she remembered before passing out was being alone with Ochaco in that void, taunting her and messing with her wounds. Wounds she had created. The amount of adrenaline she felt during that time was unreal. And some sick part of her enjoyed it.. she enjoyed it a lot. Seeing the girl in so much pain, practically helpless, it felt nice. Does that make her a bad person? It couldn't, right? After all, they did the same thing to her. They watched as she suffered, as her world damn near burned down around her, and they felt no remorse. So why should she?

She suddenly felt ill and her stomach hurt. A knock on the door distracted her for a second, and she got out of bed to answer it. She saw it was Matthew and quickly opened the door, rushing to the bathroom, now feeling as though she would puke. Matthew sat down the items in his hands and rolled up his sleeves, going in after her. Ivory kneels over the toilet and starts to vomit, the acid quickly starting to burn her chest. Matthew got down beside her and held her hair back with one hand, rubbing her back with the other. Tears started to swell in her eyes, burning, along with the extreme contractions in her abdomen, it became painful.

It wasn't until five long minutes later that everything had come up. Matthew helped her stand up and let her wash her face. She decided to brush her teeth as well, since she didn't want that taste in her mouth. She got back in her bed and curled up under the covers, now only wanting to sleep.

"Your dad told me this would happen. I got you some Advil and some ginger ale for right now." Matthew spoke as he sat a grey bag on her nightstand.

"I honestly don't think I can take anything right now." Ivory spoke weakly.

He took two Advils from the bottle and handed them to her. She slowly sat back up and sighed. Her stomach still felt funny.

"I understand that princess. But you want that pain to go away, right?" He asked. She nodded her head and put the pills in her mouth.

"Then you need to take these pills." He handed her the ginger ale. She swallowed the pills and leaned back on the headboard.

"Good girl,"

Ivory blushed for a second before the soft pounding of her head remained her of her situation.

"Now you just have to wait for a minute. It'll pass eventually."

"I hate this so much.. I haven't dealt with this since I was younger. I forgot how shitty it feels." She mumbled.

"From the way you reacted when your dad had me hold you down- looked like it hurt."

"That was you?" She asked, now realizing what she must've looked like.

"Yeah. You did some pretty bad damage princess. When your dad saw how bad things were going, he had me come to hold you down."

"God- I must've looked insane. I'm sorry if I-"

"Don't apologize. That was the angriest I've ever seen you, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't attractive." Matthew chuckled,  earning a pillow being thrown at his face by Ivory who was beyond flustered.

"Shut up, you idiot."

"I'm only telling the truth. But seriously, what was that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on Ivory. I know you know what I mean. What happened?" He said crossing his arms. Ivory sighed and moved her hair out of her face.

"I got upset. Usually I'm able to keep it under control.. but she hit me. When I saw the blood- I don't know- all I could think about was hurting her."

Matthew took note of how her voice shifted in tone. He sat back and simply let her speak.

"My quirk- it would get triggered if my emotions got too out of control. The hallucinations, they can vary depending on how I feel in the moment. They can also affect you physically. It's why I don't use it so often. I can get so disoriented- so angry- that I completely tune out of my surroundings."

"In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to see her in pain. So I dug deep. I wasn't going to let her leave until I felt satisfied with her injuries. So I watched as she broke her ankle, rendering her helpless. She screamed out in pain, but I wasn't satisfied. She continued to act as if she was safe, so I broke the other one."

By this point, Matthew could swear it sounded as though she took pleasure in doing this. Her eyes seemed to light up ever so slightly and there was the threat of a smile creeping on her face. He'd only seen her face like this when she was fighting.

"She screamed at me, called me a monster. Said she had done nothing to deserve this. And for a second, I considered taking the glass that was stuck in her arm and using it to slit her throat." Her voice was starting to sound disoriented again.

"I was the monster? After months of tormenting me and watching as I went through immense amounts of pain, she was the innocent one?! I couldn't count how many times I begged to be let go and they kept going. And she watched! She was no better than the rest of them. All of them deserve to rot."

Matthew was a bit taken aback, but he smiled proudly. If he was in her position, those bastards would already be dead. Seeing her show the amount of anger she was feeling felt nice.

"So you're saying, if we hadn't stopped you, there would have been the possibility of you killing her?"

"No- maybe- I don't know. I wouldn't have killed her.. I wanted her in pain, but I didn't want her dead. I just wanted to scare her."

"I think you did more than scare her. Hell, you had us scared for a second. But she deserved it- they all do. And it looked like you had fun."

Ivory slumped back and sighed, shaking her head for a moment.

"Yeah, well now I'm stuck here for the next two weeks."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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