𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘳: 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

437 3 0

3rd person POV
(2 years later)

*Ring* *Ring*
"Hello. This is Ms. Robinson at xxx University. How may I help you?" The receptionist said answering the phone.




"I see. And when exactly should we be expecting you all?"


"Alright then. I'll be sure to let him know. Have a nice day now." She said hanging up the phone.
(Meanwhile in some empty classroom)
"So what do you guys have next?" Naomi asked drinking her juice box.

"I have Tobias next. How about you?" Rebecca asked.

"Mrs O'donald. And you ivory?"

"Me and Matthew have Mr O'donald next." Ivory said.

"Kinda ironic how they ended up working at the same school huh?" Naomi said.

"I guess it is." Rebecca said.

"Hey, since we're on the topic of relationships, there is one relationship I've been wondering about."Naoki said looking at Ivory.

"Oh yeah! I have been wondering about you two." Naomi said.

"Wondering about what?" Ivory asked.

"Wether you two are together or not." Mina said as if it was obvious.

Ivory's face immediately a bright shade of pink.

"What are you talking about Mina? Me and Matthew are just friends." She said.

"Come on, seriously? You've been saying that for two years."

"That's because it's true." Ivory said.

"Sure. First thing he did when he sat down was grab you and sit you on his lap. He's been using your shoulder as a pillow for the past 15 minutes." Rebecca said opening a lollipop.

Ivory knew Matthew had the habit of coming to her whenever he needed comfort. She knew he could be a bit flirty at times; and she'd be lying if she said she didn't like it. Not that she would ever tell her friends that.

"Ok? So what if Matthew's a little touchy at times? That's perfectly normal for friends." Ivory said.

"Hah! You think he's a little touchy? If I'm not mistaken, he's constantly around you twenty-four seven. You guys are almost always cuddled up together somewhere." Naomi said chuckling.

"Yeah ivory. Plus, I've seen the way you fold whenever he compliments you. Or how he smiles whenever you come around. There's got to be something there." Mina said shrugging.

"There isn't. Like I said, me and Matthew are friends." Ivory said her face growing a darker shade of pink.

"Listen ivory. I know I'm not the best person when it comes to relationship advice, but I have to say it. Unless you haven't noticed, my brother isn't necessarily the friendliest person in the world. You make him somewhat happy and it shows. He may show it in smaller gestures, but that's only because it takes a lot for him to properly express his feelings." Rebecca said.

"I honestly think he likes you." She said laying back in her chair, sticking her lollipop in her mouth.

Ivory sighed, conflicted. Matthew woke up for a moment and looked around the room.

"What time is it?" He asked, his voice still groggy.

"12:45, we still have twelve minutes until class. You can go back to sleep." Ivory said checking her phone.
Matthew yawned and laid his head down, pulling ivory closer before going back to sleep.

The girls looked at each other and then back at ivory.

"Yeah.. there's definitely 'nothing' there." Naomi said rolling her eyes.

Lunch ended and everyone went to class. Ivory took her seat and Matthew sat next to her. Mr O'donald stood at the front and begun to speak.

"Hello, my dearest of students. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend, I know I have." He said with a light smile. Some students gave reply's and the room got quiet again.

"I have some news for you all. As you all know, our school has a transfer program. I have recently been informed that a school has reached out as a volunteer for said program. They go by the name of U.A academy from Musutafu, Japan." He spoke.

Everyone began talking with excitement about the news, ivory on the other hand remained quiet, almost in shock.

"What's wrong?" Matthew whispered noticing the look on her face.

"N-nothing. It's nothing." She said trying not to look distressed. She then raised her hand to ask a question.

"Mr. O'donald. Did they happen to mention exactly which class would be coming?"

"I was just about to get to that. Class1-A was the selected class. They will be arriving in about three weeks." The teacher said with a smile.

No, no, no. What am I supposed to do? I can't deal with them again. Not again.

A second later ivory felt a hand grab hers. She looked up to see Matthew looking at the board not even paying attention to what was happening. Ivory sighed, paying attention to the teacher.
Later on Ivory met Mina in her room to talk.

"Hey! You said you needed to talk?" Mina said once Ivory entered the room.

"Yeah.. it's about the transfer program." Ivory said sitting down.

"Oh yeah. I heard about that, teacher never gave specifics though."Naoki said sitting next to Rebecca.

"Same. Only thing me and Mina were told was that a class was finally picked." Naomi said.

"What about it?" Mina asked.

"U.A was picked. 1-A will be here in three weeks." Ivory said looking directly at Mina.

The girl's face changed instantly and she looked concerned. The group saw and immediately became alert.

"Whoa, what's up with the sudden change of face? Something wrong?" Naoki said sitting up.

"Yeah what's wrong?" Rebecca asked.

"You guys know how we moved from Japan, and how we never gave y'all the reason why?" Mina said.


"That's the reason why."

"I don't get it." Naomi said. Mina was about going to speak but ivory cut her off.

"When we lived in Japan, both of us went to U.A. We were apart of class 1-A and things were good. But unfortunately things went south before we moved here."

"What do you mean 'went south'?" Rebecca asked.

"They were all pricks and broke of basically every friendship and relationship she had. They fucked up her clothes, turned the school against her and then rubbed it in her face." Mina said irritated.

"They did what?!" Naomi said in shock.

"Does Matthew know about this?" Rebecca asked looking at Ivory.

"No, he doesn't. And I'd appreciate it if it remained that way." Ivory said.

"Look Ivory, I'm willing to respect your wishes and I'm sure the rest of us are too, but you do know what's gonna happen when Matthew finds out right?" Naoki said.

"Yeah. He's gonna be pissed." Naomi said.

"Screw him being pissed. He might just try to kill them." Rebecca said.

"I know, I know. That's why I don't need him finding out. So please, please, don't say anything to him." She asked.

"We won't. But, we can't say it'll be pretty if he finds out." Rebecca said.

"That's what I'm worried about."

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