Chapter 1: Before it all /The City/

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A/N: Hey there everyone ^^ so since my Izaya oneshot got such awesome feedback, I decided to turn it into a full on fic. I already kind of know where I what this to go, so you can think of the very first oneshot as a prologue ~ I don't own Durarara or any of its characters (even though I wish I did lol^^) hope you enjoy

Moving to a new city is never easy. Getting to know your surroundings and adapting to a new life is easier said than done. However it did have its perks. A place where no one knows your name, where you can be whom ever you choose to be. A fresh start. That's exactly what why you came to Ikebukuro, a new begin.

Breathing in the cold city air you stuffed your hands deeper into your pockets in an attempt to gain more heat. The city night life was both beautiful and cruel with its bright lights and dark alleyways. Though you weren't stupid, you made sure to stay in crowded areas. Getting caught in a brawl or getting robbed wasn't on your agenda for today. Your main mission was to get home.

Needless to say having only been a week in your new environment, and job hunting were not a good mix.

Thousands upon thousands of faces flooded the streets. You tried your best to avoid others, while also looking around at the various billboards and buildings. City life was so overwhelming and full of life. 「Gotta hurry, don't wanna be out too late」you thought to yourself. However being lost in your thoughts you failed to see the person going the opposite direction of you.

"O-oh! I'm so sorry sir!" You frantically apologized as you tried to help the man up from where he had landed on the floor. He swatted your hand away and dusted himself off, moving past you.

"Well Excuse you!!!" You yelled at his retreating form, earning yourself unwanted attention from the people around you.

Embarrassed you ducked your head and continue on your merry way. 「Great, just great!」you huffed to yourself, and continued on your way. You were completely unaware of one particular set of eyes that were watching the whole ordeal happen. A smirk formed onto his features as he watched your retreating form.

A/N: pretty slow start, lol but it'll get better ^^ (I hope lol) let me know what you think so far and I'll be working on the rest of the chapters

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