Chapter 7: In the process / Concrete Jungle/

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Slowing your pace till you were a good distance away, you came to a halt. Your heart still pounding in your chest from your power walk, and the man you had just encountered.

[wow] you thought as you leaned up against a wall to catch your breath. [He was really cute]
You blushed remembering his smile. [He said his name was Shizuo] "What a lovely name" you said to yourself.

No sooner had the words left your mouth when you heard a loud "Boom!" spinning around you noticed a large cloud of smoke as well as what looked like water erupting from a broken fire hydrant. [WHAT THE HELL!?]

Other pedestrians watched along side you but no one dared to get any closer.

Your instinct was to run. So you did. Right up the street away from whatever the heck was happening.

Pushing past gawking civilians you wanted to find a place to be at peace, somewhere quiet. You found it a few blocks from where you previously were. A bookstore. Without hesitation you walked through the automatic doors and into the AC.

The store clerk greeted you and you made you're way through one of the aisles.

You grabbed a random book off a table and sat down near a window to the back of the store. Looking to the ceiling your mind was racing. [What in god's name was that? It's amazing how crazy this city can be.]

Adjusting yourself in your seat you gave a glance to the book in your hand. [Seriously?] You thought. In your hand was a RomCom manga which featured a girl and a boy with their backs to each other. Flipping through some pages you stopped on a random area and looked at the illustrations. The girl was confessing her love to a male character. He tells her he likes her too and then they hug. [How nice] you smiled and set the book down. [Wish life were that easy]

your eyes wandered over some of the other people occupying the area you were in. You saw a guy looking at you but when your eyes met he looked back to his book. You thought nothing of it.

Until he leaned over and said something to the female next to him. She looked up from her book in your direction surveying your form from top to bottom and looked back down. She then proceeded to whisper back at the male next to her.

Quirking your eyebrow you decided to ignore them. It's not something that hasn't happened before. However that didn't stop you from keeping an eye on them as well. Pretending to be occupied on your phone you watched as they continued to steal quick glances at you and talk amongst themselves.

It was kind of getting on your nerves. But instead of picking a fight you decided to get up and walk over to a different aisle.

Taking another book off the shelf you surveyed the cover then the back reading the small summary.

Hearing whispers you looked to your side, only to be met with both male and female looking at you without trying to hide it.
"Can I help you guys with something?" Irritation getting the better of you and it showed itself in your tone.

"Wow! Her voice is just as I imagined it!" The male spoke.

"See?! I told you she was the Himedere type!" Squealed the girl

"No no, I think she's more of a Dandere only we got her in a bad mood!" Responded the male while shaking his head.

"What?! That makes no sense! Clearly she's a royal and we are the commoners!"

"Oooooohh!! Now that you say it like that I like the idea!! Maybe she'll give us a punishment if we ask her nicely!"

By this point you had stopped following the conversation. [What the hell is going on here. Himedere?, royalty? PUNISHMENT?!]

Enough was enough. "Hey!" You called to them and they both turned to look at you. "Can you guys please stop. And leave me alone too."

Getting ready to walk away, The female grabbed your wrist. Preventing you from moving any further.
"No wait. Sorry about that my friend and I have been known to get carried away sometimes" she smiled and behind her you could see the male nodding his head.

"Anyway my name is Karisawa, Erika. And this guy is Yumasaki, Walker."

"......nice to meet you." You gave a small bow.

"Oh wow!! She's perfect!!" Paraded the male. "The perfect balance of royalty and moe all in one!"

"Quiet Yumach!" She called to him. Bringing her attention back to you she looked you up and down. "Though he does have a point" she stated.

You blushed. "What are you guys talking about? Why do you keep looking at me and talking like I'm not here?"

"OH! I'm sorry!" Erika apologized again looking embarased. "See we're actually looking for someone to be a model for us. We were starting to lose hope of finding someone who had everything we were looking for. But then we found you."
She smiled at you.

Never in your entire life had you considered yourself "Model" material.

You were speechless.
"Umm... I.... I'm not...sure...I mean I don't know if I-"

Suddenly a deep voice rang out. "There you guys are."
A tall man wearing a beanie walked over to you guys. Following behind him was another guy with shoulder length hair and a bored expression oh his face.

Erika spun around to greet the two newcomers
"Dotachin!! Saburo!!"

You didn't really know what to do. Erica still had a hold on your hands so you could walk away, and Walker was standing behind you so even if you had a chance you wouldn't get far.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys? //sigh// don't listen to these guys. My names not Dotachin it's Kyohei" he gave you a small smile and held out his hand to you.

You shook it and heard someone gasp dramatically.
"Yumach! We didn't even think to ask her majesty her name!" Shrieked Erika.

"We are trash! Forgive us princess!!"

With their outburst people in the store started to whisper and bring their attention over to your group.

[Fantastic] you thought to yourself.

"I've gotta go." You walked past Kyohei and attempted to once again leave. But to no avail.

"Hang on!!" Called Erika. You rolled your eyes. But turned to her non the less. "What?" You asked more than a little annoyed.

"Okay okay. I'm sorry! But Ya know what? I've got a good feeling about you! So here-" she took out a piece of paper with a fat cat on it and proceeded to scribble some info on it. "Incase you change your mind^^"

Looking at the paper she wrote her name and email address as well as walkers.

Putting the paper in your pocket. You sighed now you felt bad. She was such a sweetheart. You were just a jerk. You gave them all a smile "I'll think about it, okay. Oh and just for the record my name is (l/n)(f/n)" you waved goodbye to them and proceeded to walk away.

"Goodbye (f/n)-hime!" Called out Walker and Erika in unison.

Kyohei had a puzzled look on his face. "Wait a minute. Wasn't (f/n) the name of the person who was marked by the dollars as someone dangerous?" The smile on Erika's face fell.
"Yeah. I think it started up a couple of days ago.

The conversation went unheard by you as you were already outside the building.

A/N: Oh man! Finally am I right?! Okay. So the plot between Izaya and the reader should be starting up soon. Sorry for the long wait guys but here you have it. Also 1200+ words. I think this is the longest chapter. I could be wrong but I didn't want just a small chapter after having you guys wait this long. So I hope you enjoy. It was a lot of fun writing Erica and Walker^^

Next chapter will hopefully be up before Christmas :3
Votes and comments are motivational

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