Chapter 10 : In The Process /Heart/

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He didn't let you escape form him, after breaking apart he assaulted your lips again, bringing your bodies closer than before and wrapping his arm around your waist. Your arms instinctively went to wrap around his neck, running your fingers though his black locks. In your lifetime there had only ever been two boys you have kissed. One was because of peer pressure, and was more slobber and stupidity than anything else. The other was your first and last boyfriend back when you were still a High school junior, things didn't end well with him.

Never before had you experienced such heart stopping kiss. Izaya knew exactly what he was doing, and he was playing you like a fiddle.

The two of you finally broke apart for some much needed air and stared at each other in silence. His crimson eyes clouded with what you could only assume was lust, his intense gaze made your heart skip a beat and you had to look away. A bright red blush dusted your face, all the while Izaya chuckled and placed his hand on your head "Not bad (name)" he stated in a sly tone. You laughed at his remark, that was an understatement.

Suddenly, His hand stopped, and izaya had you in his arms; moving both of your bodies at an almost inhuman speed. Just as you two moved, and object hit the floor and broke the ground right where you two had been standing. Everything happened so fast.

[where did that vending machine come from? did it fall out of the sky?]

Izaya was covering your body with his, he took a quick look at your face and observed your body to make sure you were okay and unharmed. After taking a few moments to make sure you were fine he looked back at the person coming towards the two of you.

"IIIIIIIIIIIIZAAAAAAYYYYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" came a super loud yell from the opposite side of the two of you. Izaya got up and brought your body up along with him.

"Stay here and don't get in the way, okay." he smiled at you before his face became serious again and dusted his jacket off. He had lead yo to an alley entrance, and asked you to hide behind the dumpster. You watched him as he walked out into the clearing of the street. Everyone around him running for dear life and out of the area.

"So nice to see you again Shizu-chan" he said with an irritated smile, You were curious as to who he was talking to.

[Shizu-chan?] you wondered

"Izaya, you escaped me earlier, running off to Shinra like the little bitch that you are; but I'm here to Finish the job."

you heard the sound of concrete breaking and metal crying. "I'll make sure you never walk or see the light of day again!!"

You watched as a stop sign came flying at Izaya who amazingly dodged it like it was nothing! Was Izaya really planning on fighting this guy, when he was in the process of recovering his newly stitched arm!?

"You really know how to kill a moment Shizu-chan, here I was enjoying a nice moment with my Girlfriend, and you come like the barbaric cave man that you are, and scare her half to death." his tone was mocking but there was a hint of anger.

[Was he worried about you getting hurt? AND DID HE JUST SAY GIRLFRIEND!?!?! ] your face became incredibly red, you thought you'd die.

[He told me to stay put, but I don't wanna sit idly by while he puts himself in danger! But what can I do? I'm not strong! I can't even open a jar without hurting my wrist!] you fought with yourself on what to do.

You heard Izaya make a sound of pain, and looked out to see him kneeling on the concrete. He was holding his wounded arm.

"Feels like I'm cheating killing a wounded man, but you've been a pain in my ass for too long you flea"

Fear and panic filled you and your instinct took over. You shot out from behind the dumpster and ran towards Izaya, tackling him onto the sidewalk just as another vending machine was implanted into the earth by the man before you. The dust around you settled and you were ready to face the monster before you who was threatening to kill Izaya.

Before you stood a tall man, with blond hair dressed as a bartender. The same guy you talked to earlier in the day.


WOW!!!! i actually got an update out that didn't take a whole two months XD amazing isn't it? Holy shit I had so much fun writing this chapter. Wonder what Reader chan will do now that she knows who hurt izaya. :3

I'm already working on the next chapter so an update shouldn't be too far off. Thank you all so much for the wonderful feedback and comments. Its so overwhelming all the positivitythat this fic is getting XD


But we will have to see what the future holds^^ thank you guys again so much for the support.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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