Chapter 6: Before it all /Hey There Stranger/

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Leaving the cafe, it was still early in the afternoon. Seeing as how you had just gotten your wallet back your mission of finding it was over.
Though finding it wasn't exactly much help, having all your money stolen from you; with the exception of $5 you can't say you were too thrilled about that.

Now you had to find a job sooner than you had originally planned. You thanked your lucky stars that you had had the initiative to go to the market before this little ordeal happened.

Your eyes were trained on every store window, every cafe, boutique, bookstore. All in hopes to see a "help wanted" sign. However luck was not on your side and you were starting to lose hope as hours passed and the sun began to set.

[crap] you thought [there just arent enough hours in a day] beaten and tired you decided to give up for today, and pick up in the morning.


"Fuck!!" you yelled. Not carring if people turned to look at you or whisper about you. All morning. All FUCKING morning you looked. And nothing. How was this even possible?!

The issue wasnt that there were no job opening in Ikebukuro. Oh no. For some reason everytime you walked into a building the person in charge gave you a weird look.

"Hi there, I'm here asking about your help wanted sign on the window? What positions are you looing to fill?" you'd ask in the nicest voice you could use.
"Ooh.. Im sorry *clears throat* but.. Um, the position has been filled." and just as quickly he practically ran away from you

Placing your forhead on the nearest wall you stood there. Occasionally hitting your forhead to the wall. [why is this happening. They all acted like I was infected by some deadly disease or something]

Sitting in your own thoughts a certain smell hit your nostrils. The smell of cigarette smoke. Looking to the side you noticed a tall blond man holding a cigarette between his lips. You looked away [no no (name) you must not give in. No matter how stressing this situation is.] common sense would tell you to move away from the situation at hand. But being the idiot that you were, you just stood there. Inhaling the sent. [fuck] you thought. You gave in, and sighed. The man heard you and watched you from the corner of his eye. Then looked forward once more.

You walk up to him "um... Excuse me?" he lookes at you once more.
"Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering... Could you maybe spare a cigarette please?"

He looked you up and down. Taken back a bit by your request. Not many people would just walk up to him and ask for something. Even if it was a simple Cigarette.

"Sure" he reached into his pants pocket and produced a box of the nicotine sticks. Tapping the box till one stuck out just enough for you to pull it out of the box he offered it to you. "Thank you" taking it and placing it to your lips he also took out a lighter and lit the end for you. "Thank you" you said again and leaned against the wall standing just a little further from him, so you two wouldn't rub shoulders.

You took a drag and the nicotine smoke filled your lungs. This caused you to cough a bit.

You heard a chuckle next to you and turned to look at the blond man. Blowing smoke in the air he said
"I take it you don't smoke very offten."

"Haha, well actually I use to smoke quite a bit in my younger days, but I decided to quit a couple of years ago. This is the first cigarette I've had since then."

"Oh yeah?" he said though his voice didnt really make it sound like a question.

"I just really needed one today." and you took another drag. This time it sat better in your lungs than the first one. You hated to admit it, but you felt your stress level lower significantly.

You watched people as they passed on by. Though you noticed that a lot of them were giving the two of you strange glances.

The man next to you seemed to notice your troubled expression and without looking at you said

"Dont let these people get to you. All they can do is stare and whisper rumors"

"Haha. Yeah I guess. I've been getting a lot of strange stares today so I think I'm getting use to it" you gave him a small smile.

He looked at you then looked forward. A very light sade of pink dusting his cheeks which went unnoticed by you.

Finishing up your cigarette you tossed it on the floor and stomped on it.

"Welp thank you so much for the cigarette and small talk" you gave him another smile.

Extending your hand out to him. He looked at it for a moment.

"By the way, my name is (l/N) (F/N) please feel free to call me (F/N)"

He took your hand and tried to hold back as to not crush your small hand.

"I'm Heiwajima Shizuo, nice talking with you...(F/N)" he said and returned your handshake with a smile of his own.

You felt your heart beat loudly in your chest.

Letting go of his hand you looked at your feet

"Well, I-i hope to see you in the future shizuo"

You bowed and quickly walked away. Blushing like an idiot.

Meanwhile a certain someone was watching the little display, not liking it one bit. He held his binoculars tightly in his hands cracking its rims. This would not do. Not at all. But he would control himself....for now. Because it wouldn't be long untill little (Name)-chan comes looking for him. He smirked.

"Well I guess I should go and play a bit with shizu-chan.

A/N: DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN!!! I LIIIIIIVE!!!! Haha. I am so sorry to everyone who has read and voted and commented. I've had writers block for quite some time now and litterally just came up with this senario a couple of days ago and started to tweak it in my mind till I fixed it enough to publish.....
But yeah. I cant promis an immediate update following this one, but I will finish this story. Slowley but surly I won't give up or leave you guys hanging. So with that said thank you for reading. ^^ stay lovely everyone.

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