Chapter3: Before it all /The Search/

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The difference between night life and an early morning bustle isn't that far apart. At least in Ikebukuro it isn't. The streets were just as crowded now as they were last night, the only real difference was you could see exactly where you were going.

The time was now 10:00 am, you had been searching for almost 2 hours to find this guy. Then again with the size of this city of course it would be difficult. You sighed in defeat. "Oh well" another sigh left you as you decided to take a seat on the nearest bench.

Crossing your legs you allowed yourself a moments peace, and watched the people go about their day. 「what am I gonna do now?」you wondered looking up to the sky.

Just then out of the corner of your eye you saw someone walk up to you. They cleared their throat, "Hi there" you heard a cheery voice. Giving them your full attention you saw that it was a cute female with short blond hair. She was holding a sign in ones and and a notepad around her neck. "You seem to be upset, is something the matter?" She had a foreign accent that you couldn't quite place. She gave off such a nice aura you sighed yet again. "Yeah, I've lost something important, and if I don't find it soon I'll be in deeeeeeeep trouble" you chuckled at yourself. The girl before you seemed to brighten up (if that was even possible) "if you're looking for something, write it down here in my notepad" she smiled at you. "I guarantee you it'll find it's way back to you soon" she said as she held out a pen to you.

The realist within you kicked in 「How can she guarantee that I'll find my wallet by just writing it down? Thats illogical........ But then again......」hesitantly you grabbed the pen from her and the notepad. Scribbling down "wallet" onto a new blank page, and just to be sure your phone number as well, incase someone found it.

"Okay!" Said the blond female "I hope your day gets better!" She smiled once again and waked off.

You stood there for a couple of minutes. Puzzled by what had just happened. "Haha" you laughed to yourself "what an interesting city" smiling to yourself you decided to continue on. "It's only 10:30 and I'm already sick of today" you sighed yet again.


You were starting to loose hope. Another 2 hours had passed and now you were just wandering aimlessly like an idiot. "Damn!" You yelled earning yourself some shocked glances from the ikebukurians*passing by.

"Hey there, are you alright?" You heard someone call. 「great, another weirdo」you thought to yourself as you straightened yourself up. "Yeah I'm fine" you gave him a small smile as you looked up at him, but just then something else caught your attention. Something pass this guy who had just spoken to you. To be more precise someone across the street caught your attention. Coming out of a liquor store was the same guy you bumped into last night 「!!!」moving passed the guy in front of you, you ran towards the sleaze bastard from yesterday.「Hahaha finally I've found you you piece of shi.....」in your frenzy you crossed the street, but failed to see the ongoing truck headed straight for you. It wasn't until you heard it's horn that you realized how badly you had just fucked up.
But before the truck could hit you, your were wrapped in someone's arms and pushed along with them to the other side of the road into safety.
Your brain couldn't register what had happened. This stranger risked his life to save you. He was panting above you, he probably ran to try and reach you, his arms where still wrapped around you. "Wow, that was a close one" he said as he looked back at you. "Are you okay?" He asked and you were finally able to get a good look at his face. He was handsome no doubt about it. With black hair and crimson eyes.

You were still in shock, he just looked you over and stood up, offering his hand to you "now what were you thinking crossing the street like that?" He asked giving you a questioning look. It was then that it hit you and you turned around frantically looking for that bastard. To your dismay he was gone. "Dammit! And after I had just found him!" You angrily stated.
"Found who?" asked the guy behind you.
"Oh, in sorry, it's nothing" you said starting to get nervous. What the hell were you thinking? You put yourself in danger and you put this poor guys life on the line too! "I am so sorry, you could of been hurt all because you were trying to save me" you twiddled your fingers and stared at your shoes as you apologized.

The man simply chuckled "there there now, all's well that ends well right? You're safe, I'm safe there's nothing to apologize for" he smiled.

You sighed again. You seemed to be doing that a lot today. Turning around again just to double check it was obvious that that rat bastard was gone. "Well fuck" you thought out loud.

Turning back to the guy you sighed again. "You know if you frown like that you'll age faster" he said in a teasing way. It made you smile a bit. "There we go, ya see? It's not to hard" he smiled at you again. "Now" he said making a quick hand gesture "can I know your name young one?" He asked.

You thought about it for a minute and gave into his charm. "My name is (L/N), (F/N)" you said extending your hand to him. He grabbed it without hesitation and shook it "How lovely" he gave your hand one last shake but didn't let go "my name is Orihara Izaya" he smiled once again.

A/N: Aaaaaaah yeah!!!! Izaya finally shows up. Whoop whoop!! I had originally planned this chapter differently but I actually like the way it turned out. I'll just have to tweak the next couple of chapters a little^^ so what do you guys think?? Yes? No? Maybe? Lol
Positive comments give me motivation^^ let me know if you like it or if there are things I can improve on!! Constructive criticism is accepted!

* I remember Masaomi saying this word to Mikado in the english dub so decided to use it lol.

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