✨ 12.ESCAPE ✨

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Y/N pov

It's been a week since he proposed me and now he is suddenly started to being busy
God knows why!?
He wents office before i wake up and after making breakfast
And came around 11 pm
Don't know why!!??
I am seriously gonna kill him
Today i will ask him why he is being so busy
And i have to college also my exams are coming soon
I can't miss it now
I will talk to jungkook
He leave me at house and i am bored 😭
Today i will go out
Its been 11 am so i get up and fresh n up and wear this

I went out and shittt!!!I forgot jungkook told me not to go out and and there are so many body gaurds No yn noToday you will do what you want this is a punishment for jungkookI went to backdoor of house and saw there is no gaurd so i just escapeI ...

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I went out and shittt!!!
I forgot jungkook told me not to go out and and there are so many body gaurds
No yn no
Today you will do what you want this is a punishment for jungkook
I went to backdoor of house and saw there is no gaurd so i just escape
I went to beach for relaxation i walk for been a hour
Then i went to mall for shopping
Jungkook already gave me a black card so no problem
I buy some party dresses , different types of shoes , some dresses for college , little bit make up , some accesories and most importantly my underwears
Then i was going to pay bill but something caught my eyes😱
A lingerie
I am not that type who wear this kind of clothes but i can try this later so buyed that also
But another thing caught my eyes
I am gonna buy this for jungkook but i want to buy it from my money but his money is my money so it's okkk
I buy that for jungkook
And i will give him that gift on our wedding day yesss
I saw the time it's 7 pm
Ohh god
First time i shop for that long
I think i should go home
But i am hungry
First i will eat something then i will go
I went to cafe and order a small size pizza a veg burger some french fries a red velvet cake and a coke
I was eating but i feel someones cold gaze
I turn back and i saw stomach??
Then i saw up and there is...

Jungkook's pov

I am sitting in office it's been a weak since i started to went office early and went home late
I am not able to spend time with her
Because i am planning for her surprise
I think it's can be done by Today so from tomorrow i can spend time with her
I know she is very upset because of this
But i am doing this for us
Me & yn
It's 7 pm still i think today i should go home early and work is also completed so no problem
I went home
As entered i met by silence???
Where is she!!??
I called her

Jungkook - yn..YN YNNN

Where the hell she is!??

Jungkook - GAURDS!!!

I call them and they came while running and i asked

Jungkook - where is yn!?? *Glare*

Gaurd - i don't know sir mam is in the house for whole day!! I didn't saw her going out!!

Jungkook - leave

I took out my phone for calling her
But as i took out there was flood of notifications
Messages from banck huhh!??
This card!???
Is yn escape for shopping seriously!!???
I called jimin for track her and i went to the location with gaurds
she is still in the mall???
I saw her sitting and eating carefree
here i am dieing from tension and here she is enjoying
I went to her and stand behind her

Y/N pov

I turned around and saw

Thank you guys and if you like then please..

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