✨13. WHAT ✨

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Y/N pov

I turned around and saw the devil
How he knew that i was here shitt
Please god save me this first and last time
I will eat all green veggies
But please just save me this last time from this devil
I stand from my seat and laugh awkwardly

Y/N - hahah- jung-k-ook what are you doing here

Ommoo why are you glaring me
He grabbed my wrist and drag me to car
He make me sit on passenger seat and he sat on driver seat
He started the car and drove
The journey was dead silent

Time skip*

We reach he come out from car and open door for me
I came out and as we entered inside something hit my back hard
And that something is wall
Why he is behaving like i commit a crime
He grab my waist and pulled me to his hard chest
I nervously laugh

Y/N - hehehe jung-kook what are you doing

And finally after 1000 of years he speak

Jungkook - yn you know naa what you did!!??

What i did?? Uhhh mamma save me

Y/N - hehehe Jungkook come let's sit and talk in peace

I said while pouting i drag him with me to our bedroom
I grab his shoulder and make him sit on bed
But suddenly he pulled my hand make me land on his lap he wrapped his hand around me and put his head in Crook of my neck and said

Jungkook - yn i know you want freedom..i mean you want sometime for yourself but you know naa i am a mafia it's dangerous for you to roam around like that without safety my
Enemies can use you against me you knew that how much i love you infact all know and after our wedding whole world will know and if anything happened to you how will I live you know what you matters to me....i am not caging you it's just that i can't take risk to lose you...

He said as his eyes were shining from trears
Ommooo i can't see tears in my baby eyes
Who will say he is mafia

Y/N - i am sorry...but i was very angry with you because you are not spending time with me and i was alone at home being bored....and you also not allowed me to go out side so i escape and nothing happen i just did shopping and eat and please don't cry from now on i will not do anything sorry

I hold my ears from my both hands while pouting
And he chuckled?
How dare he??

Y/N - yaah how dare you to laugh at me here i am being emotional and you are laughing i am not talking to you now....i hat-

Seriously he cut me off with kiss?
The kiss was full of passion love care
Lips were moving slowly passionately
He lick my lower lip and then he bite my lower lips
And a moan escape from my mouth and he took the chance and enter the tongue inside my mouth
Devouring every corner of my mouth making me breathless
I tap on his shoulder Indicating that i am out of breath
He pull out and said while starting in my eyes

Jungkook - Never dare to complete that sentence for me...

He said peck my lips

Y/N - I love you kook~

Jungkook - I love you more

I peck his lips and he said

Jungkook - I can't wait to make love with you

I also want it but not before marriage

Y/N - butt jung-

He cut me off

Jungkook - don't worry i know you want it after marriage

Just he read my mind he continued

And tomorrow you will be beneath me while moaning my name

He said making my eyes wide
What you mean horney person

Y/N - hehehe what you mean

Jungkook - i mean tomorrow is our wedding baby

He said with smirk

Y/N - WHATTTT!!!!?

Thank you guys and if you like then please..

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