✨ 40. DADDY ✨

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Authors pov

You went to school to pick up your baby boy
Standing outside waiting for your baby after five minutes he came with not too good face you pick him up in your arms and asked

YN - baby what happened

Eunwoo - nothing

YN - okay let's go home...i will make your fav food

Eunwoo - okay

He said but still not happy so you decided to take him home and then talk


Jimin - jungkook...what the hell are you doing

Taehyung - jungkook it's enough...if you want her to be with you then you have to behave

Jimin - you know she don't like to see you like this

Taehyung - we will tell her that you don't take your meals on time and drink like hell and then again she will leave you...

With that jungkook's eyes shot up with rage and grab taehyung's coller

Jungkook - dare you too repeat...she will never hate me..NEVER she love me the most how can she leave me i will take her here and then i will never let her go...

Seeing anger in his eyes jimin came in between and said

Jimin - okk...she will not leave you she loves you..but she will be sad..so take bath then eat and than sleep..

With that jungkook left from there


Y/N - eunwoo..baby how was the first day of your school

Eunwoo - good

YN - did you make friends

Eunwoo - yess mumma

Y/N - good

Eunwoo - mumma i am hungry

Y/N - okk..wait


YN - sayyy aaaa...open your mouth

Eunwoo open his mouth and you feed him by yourself

Eunwoo - mumma

YN - yess baby

Eunwoo - where is my DADDY


I know it's short but i am giving double update...now let's wait and see what yn will say...

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