✨ 42.ABOUT HIM ✨

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Yn - baby we are going korea

Eunwoo - but why!!???

Yn - you want too meat appa right

Eunwoo - yess

Yn - then we are going

Eunwoo - hurrey!!!!

With that he started jumping

Yn pov

He is happy then I am happy to
He suddenly stopped and put his hand on his chest and breathing heavily

Yn - baby...what happened? Are you fine ?? Huh??

He suddenly smile and hugged me

Eunwoo - i am fine mumma

I sigh in releaf

Yn - baby if you are not ok...or feel something unusual then tell mumma okk...

Eunwoo - mumma...i am fine

Yn - okk

Little did they know that something is wrong

Eunwoo - when are we going

Yn - Day after tomorrow

Eunwoo - then mom let's go for shopping tomorrow

Yn - why ?

Eunwoo - mom we are meeting dad after so many years let's buy some gifts for him

Yn - yess

Next day

Yn - eunwoo come fast your breakfast is ready

After getting ready he come downstairs

Eunwoo - mom how am I looking??

Yn - As always cute and handsome

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Yn - As always cute and handsome

Eunwoo - just like appa

Yn - y-yes...just like your appa

You said with a gulp he wore loose clothes just like jungkook like to wear at home...and remembering that time a Tear escape your eyes but you quickly wipe it and hugged eunwoo before he notice your sad eyes
You break the hug and said

Yn - okk...now come eat then we will go for shopping...

Eunwoo - mom..

Yn - yes

Eunwoo - tell me something about appa

Yn - but eat first after that i will tell you

Eunwoo - okk..

You both sat on the table and start eating

Eunwoo - mom tell me about appa while eating

Yn - no..first eat

Eunwoo - no i won't... please tell me

Yn - ok fine... your appa...he is a mafia

Eunwoo - Mafia???

Yn - yes and not a normal mafia..he is mafia king

Eunwoo - mom..means he kill people?

He asked with a scared look on his face

Yn - No baby...your appa is mafia but it doesn't mean he is bad...yes he kill people but bad ones...

Eunwoo - means he is good mafia

Yn - yes he is good mafia and plus he is buisness men...

Eunwoo - mom...my banana milk

Yn - it's in fridge let me get you

You took out the glass and put on the table infront of eunwoo
And he gulp it down in one second

Yn - and you know what he also love banana milk just like you

Eunwoo - wow...mom.?

Yn - hmm

Eunwoo - how's his behaviour

Yn - hmm...you are investigating like police

Eunwoo - mom...just tell me

He whines

Yn - okk...he is cold type...he behaves cold to everyone

Eunwoo - he behave Cold to you too

You chuckled and replied

Yn - No...never...infact he love me madly deeply

Eunwoo - when appa came back from mission

Yn - he never gone...i was the one who leave him

Eunwoo - why mom...don't you love appa

Yn - love him...but he did a mistake and i was upset from him that's why...

Eunwoo - what mistake

Yn - you are too little to know about the mistake

Eunwoo - then why are we going now...

Yn - because you want to meet him and

Eunwoo - And !?

Yn - your appa's health is not good

Should yn forgive jungkook
Or jungkook should hate yn for hiding about eunwoo???
COMMENT your choice


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