Chapter 1.

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" NINETEENTH, TWENTY! " - krist leaned against his chair and crossed his arm's.

Singto let out a sigh and broke in floor for some moment.

Singto was punished by his husband for being so touchy with other'S. By twenty up and down.

Singto glared at him. " I have my eye'S too baby but rather than using my eye'S, I can use other thing'S too. Want that? "

" Not in the office!! " - singto almost shouted. " So u want in home "

" No!! " - singto. " And also, if I want then I can use it anytime. Like u know, for teaching u some manners?! It is necessary. Now if next time also u didn't listen and tried to be more than co-workers then this is nothing. Clear? " - after that, krist looked for some files.

This is why singto hate him. At the beginning, he used to have crush on him, still he does but secretly. But most of the time's he hate him. If he could then he would have kill krist.

As for today, he wanted something so he tried to be nice with krist. Krist clearly know what he wants and the way of asking something.

He pulled krist chair and sat in his lap. " Dear husband.." - singto opened. Krist just stared at him. " Answer na..!! " - singto.

" 'Asking for a permission to go out with friend'S and will spend night over there and might be late' anything else?! "

" Ho-how did..--- " - singto was cut off. " No and don't make me repeat the same word. One time should be enough " - krist.

Singto stood up and abruptly spoke. " Who r u and why should I ask ur permission to go out!! I can go where-ever I want!! "

Krist stood up but didn't looked at him. He arranged his file's while speaking " Do u want to repeat that "

Singto moved little backwards and stayed quiet but not in his mind. He was cursing krist and himself for making him his crush.

Just then someone knocked the door. " Come " - krist.

" Sir, the meeting which was gonna held is cancelled...they told us --- " - she was cut off.

" Julie, I won't work on their schedule. If they can't do right now then I don't want them. If I said the meeting will be on 5:00 then it will be on the same time. Inform them " - krist.

" But they told that their CEO has been hospitalized. So --- " - her word'S was cut again.

" Oky then. Singto, arrange one new assistant for me who will inform them about the meeting " - krist.

Singto gave a pity look to julie but stayed quiet. He likes one thing about krist which is, he is serious in his work. He also count singto as his employee and order him the office works even after being married.

Krist doesn't show off that he is married and all but he takes proper care of singto publicly and it will be his real face. And singto likes those thing'S about him.

" No! Please..I will inform them about the meeting.. " - julie the assistant of krist.

" Then, should I prepare an letter or will u tell them now? Otherwise I will write an letter in which time will be written over there so that u can tell them about that meeting in that time?! " - krist gave an question nodd and she vigorously shook her head.

" I will tell now..can I go..?! " ~~ " FAST " - krist.

She immediately left from there. " That was rude " - singto.

" Baby boy, don't teach me how to work. This is how I work, don't expect me to be soft and all " - krist came near him, softly joined their lips and left from there.

One of the main reason why he hates krist was his cold behaviour in office. He is the son of the CEO, his working method and all is good. He is an good businessman but he teach them by being cold.

This was the same way how he was being treated by krist from the beginning. Now there is little change but still he does. Krist still scolds him infront of other worker's when he is not working properly.


That meeting didn't happen but singto requested krist so much that krist agreed to change the date of the meeting otherwise he had already cancelled that and he don't change his word'S if it's out but singto requested him so much, he had to agree.

They were heading home. Singto was tired, he wanted to sleep so bad that he wasn't able to open his eye'S properly.

He closed his eye'S and rested on the car until they reached home. Krist was talking with new on the call so he noticed late. When he did, he covered singto with his coat and continued his call.

Next morning..

New came in the office to look at them. He directly came in krist office who was on his phone.

" I thought I would see couple here but only one is here " - new started teasing. He sat on the sofa and observed the room.

" He is in home. He was having slight fever so I told him to rest. I was thinking--- " - krist phone cut him off.

" Sir, he want's to go out " - one of the maid of the house.

" And? I have already told that he can't go anywhere. He is sick, tell him to rest " - krist.

" What 'tell him to rest?!' I'm feeling like, I'm going to die in this room! " - singto took the worker's phone as he heard that. That line was in speaker, singto requested.

Krist leaned against his chair. " Just let me come. Ur illness will immediately go! Keep quiet and rest. And did I said that it is necessary to stay in the same room?! There r other room's plus garden! Go there but not outside. Just around the house "

" Listen na~~!! Please let me go! I'm fine now!! " - singto changed his tone.

" Baby~! I don't want any arguments. U know na, I hate telling the same sentence twice. I will come soon " - krist.

" I hate u!! I!! I wish I could kill u!! " - singto.

" Love u too. And keep wishing " - krist cut the line.

" He may be blabbering something now " - new was laughing at their conversation.

" Like always " - krist kept his phone aside.

" By the way krist..where is ur friend..? Whenever I used to come here, he used to be there. Did u two fight or what.. " - new nervously laughed.

Krist joined his brows and smirked " Phi...which 'fRiEnD'? I have so many..but can I assume the one u like..?! "

" Huh?! Wh-whom?! Ur all friend r such a bada*s! I hate all of them! " - new diverted his eye'S from krist and eyed his phone.

" Except! Except one u hate all of them " - krist teased.

" But krist...--- " - krist cut him off. " 'How did I know'? Hmm? One of ur friend told. Don't worry, I won't tell that person about these "- even tho he said that, he has already shared.

New scratched his back hair and asked. " So.. where is he..?! "

" He has went somewhere but tomorrow he will come. But phi..r u sure that u love the same person? " - krist raised a question.

" Why? Is there something--- " - krist cut him off again.

" No..nothing. I was just making sure. So, did u came here to see him or there was some work? "

" I was roaming with my friend nearby so I came to visit " - new.

" Then tomorrow also come. U can come with him, together from home cause I will have to come fast " - krist referred 'him as singto.

" Oky then " - new..

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