Chapter 16.

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Daisy immediately stood up from her place. " Ya..I was just worried so.. " - das.

Singto smiled at her and started taking his clothe out. " I guess, he is fine now. But we have to check it again. Can u please help me " - singto asked her while seeing his clothe.

" Sure. Where is --- " - krist cut her off. " No need. I'm fine now "

Both looked at him. " Is there something on my face that u two r looking like that " - krist looked at them continuously and asked in cold tone.

" Leave it singto. Now he won't listen to anyone " - daisy.

" But he have to " - singto smiled at her and came near krist with thermometer.

He gave it to krist who gave up and tried that in once. Daisy looked at the differences between person'S and her heart slight ache by that.

" Then..gudnight to both of u " - das. " Stay for some more time. We won't sleep fast " - singto.

" Excuse me " - singto excused himself and went to bathroom.

" want'S to see our place " - das.

" Stop calling that and when he know'S about us then what's the problem. But all should act normal, like don't show him those extra thing'S. He is just a beginner for these..he might get scared and I don't want that. And this time I won't be the one to face u, it will be tawan and u all know that " - krist.

" We understood. Bos--! We heard that there was a new member in the office which seems to be a problem. What about that? Should we do something? " - das.

" No. Her name is asha, she is a problem but only in office. She passes the document from one company to another and cheats but that is the small matter which I can handle by myself. No need to involve in that " - krist.

" Why don't u fire her then. Even the problem of office is ur. Then why can't we invo--- " - she was cut off by his palm.

" I said I can then leave that to me. If I need someone to do something then I will tell at that time "

Das looked down and asked " Anything else which we can help..? "

" No, go and rest for now. He bought u two here to enjoy no?! Then don't think about work unless it's an emergency " - krist.

Krist addressed 'him to singto. " But boss, we do have an emergency! It's about the driver of singto, he lost his gun from the car of singto "

" I ---- " - singto came out from the restroom and spoke.

" I forgot. I was here to inform u two to click photo's. Let's click the photo of ours. Everyone in one frame. Com'on " 

" Now? " - krist. " Yay, com'on " - singto tried to make krist stand from his place. " Com'on das " - singto asked her too.

She gave a little nodd and walked out.


They all came down and stood in their positions to click photo'S.

While they were clicking photo'S, rav pulled das hair a little and das eyed him and he eyed her back.

" What took u so long " - rav wishpered to her.

" Was it necessary to pull hair tho?! I will tell later " - das.

Many photo'S were clicked in many positions and style and they enjoyed the photo session.


Next morning, they ate together. " How about u mr weak-man. R u fine today? " - tawan asked krist.

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