𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙗𝙤𝙮..

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 I was laying in bed, my green duvet comforter spilling off the bed, my legs a tangled mess. I had been awake for a while, just lying there not wanting to move. I froze, the sound of my brother's feet coming bounding down the hall in the direction of my door. "RISE AND SHINE!!! IT'S YOUR FIRST DAY!" In reality it was about halfway through the year at Hawkins high school, but I had decided to leave my previous high school where all my 'fake friends' went and go to Hawkins instead. Besides, it was more in boundaries than my last high school ever was.

"Nooo...." I groaned, latching my small hands onto the metal headboard as Dustin pulled my feet. Even though I was older, he was a few inches taller than me, and much stronger. Dustin pulled me onto my cream colored carpet, ripping the Duvet covers from my grasp. "You have to get ready, it's your first day, AND there is a pep rally first thing in the morning." Dustin protested. "Fine.. BUT this school better be worth it." I sat up, scrunching up my face. I didn't want to dread every day of this school like I did the last school..

I was just finishing up my hair when I heard Dustin shouting. "Y/N... CMONNNN! I don't wanna be late!!" I sprinted down the stairs, throwing on my white reeboks. As we walked out the door I noticed my brother's shirt, it had hellfire club written along the top with a killer cool demon beneath the lettering. "Hey." I grabbed his shoulder, whipping him around to face me. "Where'd you get that shirt? It's pretty cool." He smiled "Well, sit with me at lunch and you will see. It's the D&D club I'm in, you can even meet the dungeon master later, he's pretty cool. " Dustin smiled before turning back around and running the rest of the way to my car. It was a beat up old van, but what else could I get when my parents were always too drunk to give a crap.

—-At the school—-

Me and Dustin made our way into the school, revealing the hallways filled with teenagers. I stayed close behind Dustin, hoping to not lose him in the crowd. Although, it was easy to spot him considering he was wearing a ridiculous shirt over his D&D one and a bright blue cap. We made our way into the gym where students were shouting and cheering along the bleachers. Dustin squinted his eyes, looking around, almost as if he was searching for someone. I had assumed he found them once his face lit up and he began to run. We made our way through the people stepping over legs and bags to find a tall boy with black hair. "Mike! It's Y/n's first day!" Dustin shouted over the people. I instantly recognized the boy to be Dustin's close friend Mike. "Oh, hey man. Haven't seen you in a while." I said, playfully hitting his back. "Oh yeah! What's up Y/n?" He said, also shouting over the crowd. "Oh you know.. The same old stuff.." I yelled, facing towards Mike but my eyes looked around the bleachers.

Once everyone had settled down, the basketball team came running out, the blonde boy in the lead grabbing a microphone. He began his shouting and ranting about almost not winning something, but I didn't pay much attention. I could already tell I didn't like this guy, especially considering the fact he used the names of the people who had passed away not too long ago. As he continued his rant I looked around at the people in the bleachers, scanning my eyes across the rows in front of me on the other side of the gym. Soon I noticed another group of boys my age wearing the same shirt Dustin was wearing. I scanned over them, they seemed to not be enjoying the rally, as almost all of them had their eyes closed asleep. Until.. One caught my eye, he was staring directly at me, a soft smirk on his face. He had curly dark brown hair that rested on his shoulders, and some big deep brown eyes. He was... beautiful. I quickly looked away, my face heating up and turning red.

—-After the pep rally—-

Me, Dustin, and Mike quickly made our way out of the gym, headed towards our second period since the pep rally took place during the first period. I looked down at my paper the office had given me, it had all my classes on it and their room numbers. "Mrs. O'donnell..." I said to myself trying to find the room. The halls had quickly cleared out and I was sure to be late by now. I groaned, stopping in the middle of the hall. Just then, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I screamed, not expecting anyone to be in the halls by now. I quickly turned on my heel, now facing none other than the mysterious boy from the pep rally. "Sorry, didn't Mean to scare you. I heard you saying you have Mrs. O'donnell's class for second period??" He questioned, Instantly his voice soothed me, it was beautiful. "Uh.. yeah.. I can't find it." I mumbled, looking down at my feet, noticing we were wearing the exact same shoes.

"Nice shoes..!" I laughed, causing him to quickly look down and notice our matching shoes, he laughed with me. God, could I enjoy this man's company anymore?! His laugh is contagious.. I thought, now confident enough to make eye contact with him. "Cmon, I have her too, I was going to skip but now I think I'll like her class a little more now that you're there." He smiled, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers together, pulling me behind him. I blushed, looking down at our hands, his hair bounced as he strode through the halls, dragging me behind him.

We made it to what I think was her classroom, stopping in front of the closed door. Although we had made it, he didn't release his grasp on my hand, so neither did I. He turned to face me, his big brown eyes looking into my y/e/c ones. "Be ready to tell her you're new, because if you don't, well... you'll receive one of her famous 45 minute lectures." He chuckled painfully, it was obvious he had gotten quite a few of these.. "Oh and.." He pulled my arm, getting me closer to him. I didn't realize how much taller he was until he was leaning over me, looking down at me. "I never caught your name.." He whispered, his eyes full of curiosity and wonder. "Oh right.. It's Y/n!" I smiled, trying not to look as nervous as I really was, my stomach flipping in circles. "Mm, Y/n? I like that, I'm Eddie.. Eddie Munson." He smirked, letting go of me to shake my hand. As I reached for it, he hit my hand back and forth, attempting to form a handshake. I giggled, watching his failed attempt. He sighed, "We will make one at lunch, you will sit with me right?" He looked down at me, waiting for an answer. I nodded "I was planning on it!" He smiled, quickly turning us around and pulling me into the classroom, his hand placed on my lower back, guiding me in. "Sorry Mrs. O'donnell, I was showing Y/n around. She's new." He said, his left hand still on my back, but now he grasped my arm with his right hand, guiding us to the chairs in the back.

Eddie pulled out my chair for me, pushing it back in once I sat down. "M'lady." He said in a fancy voice. "Why thank you kind sir." I thanked him, matching his silly energy. He smiled, plopping down into the seat beside me. I quickly zoned out, but was soon interrupted by the sound of a chair scraping across the tiled floor. I shot my head in the direction of the sound to be met with Eddie scooting his chair and table over to me, connecting our tables. My face heated up as I felt his thigh press against mine, but he didn't seem to move it... so neither did I. I felt his eyes burning into me, I slowly turned my head to him, our eyes meeting only a few inches apart.

His breath softly hit my face, a few strands of hair falling back. I felt something brush on my arm, causing me to break eye contact and look down. Eddie was holding a folded piece of paper, tapping my arm with it. I looked up, then back down, taking the paper from his hand. I opened it up to see his sloppy handwriting, it read 'You look pretty in green' My breath hitched and I swear my heart skipped a beat. I felt my cheeks warm up as I looked beyond the writing and saw the well drawn heart on the corner of the paper. I looked down remembering that I was wearing a black and green plaid skirt with a black Metallica t-shirt. I set my pencil down and grabbed a green pen, considering it was my favorite color, I always had it with me. I brought the pen to the little note and wrote a reply, 'Thank you! Where did you get your shirt?' I began folding it up until I decided to unfold it and draw 'XO' on the corner of it.

I placed the note on his paper in front of him, he set down his pencil and opened it up, smiling at the note as he read my reply. His cheeks visibly turned red as he saw the extra drawing. Slowly, Eddie leaned over, his breath hitting my ear and running down my neck. "Well, if you want one you'd have to join the D&D club." Eddie whispered into my ear, causing me to shudder. He removed his cheek from mine and looked in my eyes, still only inches away from my face. Eddie had a look of pain on his face, it was like he assumed I would never want to join his club. "Although..." he leaned in again. "I doubt you would want to join a stupid D&D club." He smiled, a pained look still plastered on his face. "D&D?! I love D&D!! Could I join? I'd really like to." I smiled, almost dancing in my seat. Yes I did love the game D&D but considering the fact that he was going to be there made it 100 times better. 

-That boy-  Eddie Munson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now