Skull rock

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suddenly we heard a car pull up, incoherent shouting coming from outside. "What the... hold on bubba.." Eddie whispered, gently standing up from beneath me. I followed him over to the window, my heart instantly dropping when I saw Jason and his group of friends running around. "SHIT! Give me the Walkie." I said, catching the walkie that Eddie had tossed my way. "Hey! DUSTINN! Remember me?! Yeah, Jason is here, DUSTIN!!!!!!" Eddie and I shouted into the little box, I soon gave up, throwing it onto the ground. "The boat, get in the boat." Eddie said, helping me into the boat, I took his hand, quickly stepping into the boat and holding my hand out for him. Eddie took it and leapt in, quickly lowering the boat and doing a sloppy job and rowing. I took the other oar, the both of us paddling as quick as we could.

I froze, the sound of shouting coming from behind us. "Holy shit! Look! HEY FREAK!" Jason shouted, his eyes darting between the two of us. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU GUYS" he said, jumping into the water. I began to panic, looking over at Eddie, he lunged forward, trying the motor. I had a hand on his shoulder, trying to ground my panicking mind. He looked back at me, quickly throwing himself at me, guarding me with his body. "STAY THE FUCK AWAY!!!" Eddie screamed, holding my head to his chest. I began to cry, the sound of Jason and Patrick getting closer. Suddenly the silence stopped, Jason calling out Patrick's name. I peeked my face out just in time to see Patrick fly into the air just like Chrissy did. Eddie turned us around, our faces full of fear.

Eddie's POV

I held onto Y/n, my hand rubbing her back gently. I watched in pure terror as the young basketball player lifted into the air. Y/n screamed as his limbs snapped just as Chrissy's did, tears rolling down both of our faces. I held onto her tightly, covering her from seeing anymore. But when his eyes were taken from their sockets, and his body hit the water we went flying backwards into the freezing cold water. We struggled to get any correlated movement going but eventually we managed to get to land, running mindlessly.. Our hands intertwined.

Brecklynn POV

We sat in the wheeler's basement, our eyes boring into Max. Earlier today while Nancy and Robin were talking with Victor Creel we were busy trying to save Max from Vecna. The faint sound of 'Running Up That Hill' by Kate Bush rang through the basement, my head rested on Steve's shoulder. None of the younger kids were really aware of our relationship, but I had really only officially told Y/n. Dustin looked over at us, a confused expression on his face. "Wait.. since when?! How?! WHY?!" Dustin rambled, his eyes darting between the both of us. I sat up, rolling my eyes at the frantic boy, his arms waving around. "Why him?! Steve's.. Something else.." Dustin mumbled, crossing his arms unsatisfied. "Hey! I love him!" I shouted, not thinking before I said it. We hadn't said anything like that to each other yet, so to say I was embarrassed was an understatement. "I- I mean.. Uhm.." I mumbled, looking down at my feet. "What did you just say?.." Steve said, leaning forward to get a look at my face. "Sorry, j-just ignore it.." I whispered, waving my hand to brush him off. "Brecklynn I.. I love you too.." Steve said, taking my hand in his, I smiled, but it was quickly wiped away when the lights turned off, everybody agreeing it was time to sleep.

Y/n's POV

Eddie and I lied there in silence beneath Skull Rock, our clothes frozen wet and stuck together. I pressed against Eddie, his body always seemed to be much warmer than mine. I buried my face into his chest, his wet shirt still freezing my body. I shook violently, Eddie rested his hand on the back of my head, the other under my shirt on the small of my back, trying to warm my freezing body. "Y/n, it might be weird but.. we would be warmer without our wet clothes." Eddie said, rubbing my back. "OKay, I'd do anything to be warmer right now." I said nuzzling into him as if I wasn't already flush with his entire body. "Okay, hold on, cmere." Eddie said, taking off his hellfire shirt and throwing it atop of a rock to let it dry. He quickly snatched the leather jacket he had laid out earlier. I took my T-shirt off, throwing it to the rock. He quickly put his dry leather jacket over us, pulling me into him. I instantly felt warm once again, a sudden comfort washed over the both of us.   

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