I was made for lovin' you

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Eddie smiled, his smile made me melt in my seat, it was contagious so I couldn't help but smile back. Eddie slowly snaked his arm up and around my shoulders, resting it on the back of my chair. I held my breath, my cheeks turning a bright red. He looked over at me, a smug smirk on his face as he saw me falling apart beneath his touch. The bell rang not too long after, but his arm didn't drop, I stood and he lowered his arm to my lower back again, guiding us out of the room. As we walked down the hall to the lunch room, his arm fell to his side, I decided to be bold and grab his hand, intertwining our fingers together. I looked over to see his expression, he had begun to hold his breath, his eyes wide and cheeks cherry red. We made our way through the double doors, walking through the lunch room. As we made our way through the lunch line, Eddie and I kept our fingers intertwined, causing people to give us nasty looks. I didn't really know why, so I just shrugged it off.

That was until the boy from the basketball team made his way over to us, a smug look on his face. "Hey pretty girl.. Is he bothering you? Cmon, you would have a better time with the basketball team. I know we will enjoy it!" He sneered, reaching for my arm. "Uhm, no. I'm okay, I'd much rather be with Eddie." I shouted, pulling my arm away from him, clinging up against Eddie. I could feel Eddie tensing up, his hands balled into fists. "What.. with this freak?! Please! He's not worth shit! You hanging out with him.. Makes you a freak too!" Jason cackled, by now the situation had caught some people's attention, their heads turning our way, whispering. "Don't you DARE talk to her that way! EVER." Eddie shouted, stepping forward, now only inches away from Jason. He leaned over, now face to face with a terrified Jason. Eddie towered over Jason when he was standing up straight, so I wasn't too surprised when Jason began to back away. Eddie gripped Jason's shirt with one hand whilst the other stayed behind him, bound up behind him due to me holding onto his arm.

He dropped Jason, watching as the blonde boy walked back to his table, head hung low. Eddie turned back around, walking closer to me, now holding onto my waist with both hands. "I'm so sorry... I won't let him near you again." He whispered, his face only inches from mine. I smiled. It warmed my heart knowing Eddie cared so much about me. He smiled too, his big eyes looking into mine. I watched as his eyes crinkled in the corners, dimples formed, his perfect teeth shining through. "There it is." I whispered "There's my favorite smile." I giggled, Eddie had turned a bright red, his cheeks warmed. He pulled me in, wrapping his arms around my waist, hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face into his chest. I felt his warm breath fanning my neck as he buried his face into my shoulder. I could tell we both needed this hug more than anything. After about a minute we finally pulled away, He grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the table where a group of boys all wearing the D&D shirt sat. They watched as Eddie held me close, maneuvering through the crowd of people. We made it to the head of the table where there were two empty seats waiting for us.

Eddie pulled out my chair, pushing it in as I sat down. "Thank you." I beamed, he sat down beside me, his whole right side pressed against me as our chairs were right next to each other. "Who is she?" A boy asked "Eddie, why is she here?!" Another boy grumbled "y/n?" A familiar voice chimed in, it was Dustin, right beside him was Mike. "Oh! Hey bud. I forgot you sat over here." I smiled, causing Eddie and a few others to look between us. "Uhm.. you know him?" Eddie said, his eyes darting between us. "Yeah he's my little brother." I said, now turning to Eddie, giggling at his surprised expression. "Dustin, why didn't you tell me you had a sister? Especially one like y/n." He questioned, whispering the last bit. Dustin side eyed Eddie, then me, I glared back at him, he knew I didn't like it when he thought he could control me. "Yeah.. she is.." Dustin said, Clearing his throat.

I looked around, watching the guys' annoyed expressions.. I began to pick my fingers and bounce my leg, anxiety taking over. Eddie was quick to notice, placing his hand on my thigh rubbing gentle circles with his thumb. I quickly calmed down, placing my hand over his and fidgeting with his rings. He smiled down at me, taking my hand fully into his, intertwining our fingers as he rubbed across my knuckles. Slowly but surely I was falling even more for him, the way he cared so much, the way he laughed, smiled, even breathed. He was... perfect. I leaned my head over, resting it on his shoulder. In other people's eyes it could look like we were moving too fast but in my eyes, I had never met anybody who made me feel this safe, or loved. Eddie brought our hands up to his face, placing a quick kiss on my knuckles. We sat like that the rest of lunch, the others slowly becoming more fond of me.

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