To hell and back

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Dustin began an attempt at getting in but Steve quickly stopped him, pushing him back. "What are you doing? This boat holds three people tops and we are pushing it with six. You stay here with Max and Lucas." Steve said, talking as if he was a mother. "Wait what?! Why can't I get in! It's my plan!" Dustin screeched, waving his arms around like he's having a tantrum. "Dustin, stay here, it's my job to protect you or else mom would kill me. So just chill your cheeks brah." Y/n said, a grin plastered on her face as she leaned back into my, her face in the crook of my neck. "Oh my g- Okay whatever! Fine! Whateverrrr!" Dustin ranted, turning back to the other two. We began to row out farther into the water, Brecklynn and Robin doing all of the work. "Wait wait! Stop here!!" Y/n shouted all of the sudden, sitting up on me, holding the compass in her hands. They shined a light right on it, watching as it went crazy. Robin fills Dustin in on what's happening. Steve shot up, beginning to take off his shirt, Y/n and I grinned as we watched Brecklynn absolutely lose all sense of reality, she wiggled in her seat, fiddling with her long dirty blonde hair. A grin grew bigger and bigger as Steve continued.

Chapter 7

Y/n's POV

I sat back into Eddie while Steve gave Brecklynn a show. Eddie had wrapped a flashlight in a ziplock bag for Steve to use, it wasn't long after that when Steve dove into the water, causing a huge splash. I didn't really worry about Steve because he was talking all about how he was a professional swimmer. I leaned more into Eddie, my face almost behind his neck. I enjoyed laying like this, catching whiffs of Eddie's warm scent. I just wish it wouldn't be on a boat while being accused of murder. After a while Steve came bursting up, his flashlight gone. "There's a gate, it's not as big as the other ones, more like a snack sized gate.. But, it is still pretty damn big." Steve said, gripping onto the side of the boat. "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" I shouted, laughing at my own joke. I guess Eddie was the only one who found it amusing because he began to burst into laughter with me. Our laughter quickly stopped when Steve got pulled under, Brecklynn instantly breaking into a panic. "STEVE!!! NO! I'm going down there!!" Brecklynn said as she began to take off her shoes. "No no no! Don't go down there! We don't want you getting hurt too!" I shouted, watching as Brecklynn dove in, followed by Nancy and soon to be Robin. "ROBIN PLEASE! Don- DAMMIT!" Eddie began but Robin just jumped in anyway, causing Eddie and I to pace around the boat. "We gotta go down, augh this is so stupid this is so stupid. THOSE LYING SON OF A B-" I began but was cut off by Eddie grabbing me and jumping in, swimming us to the bottom of the lake. I broke away from him and swam beside him. We swam through the portal, landing in the Upside Down. I ignored Eddie's rant of confusion and anger. He didn't know where we were and what this was. I ran over to the group who was frantically fighting off what looked like killer bats attacking Steve. I felt somebody jump on top of me, covering me. It was Eddie, bats swarming everyone. "EDDIE WE NEED TO HELP!" I wrapped my legs around his back and flipped us around so he was beneath me, I quickly jumped up sprinting to the group. Eddie lied there for a moment, stunned by the situation he was just in, a flustered look on his face. "EDDIE, STOP DAYDREAMING AND HELP!" I shouted, hitting bats with a broken oar. He sat up, sprinting over and taking the other end of the oar, his back against mine. Eddie began to fight as if he were in a movie, I really couldn't understand how this man was just falsely accused of murder, discovered about a living hell beneath us, WENT TO THE LIVING HELL TO GET ATTACKED BY BATS.. and is still finding a way to have fun and smile. He is... yep, I'm marrying this man. "OH MY GOSH STEVE!!" Welp there goes his little moment, Eddie and I quickly look over to see Steve getting choked by a bat, the other's eating at his stomach. Brecklynn jumped on the bat, suffocating him, hitting the others vigorously. We finally cleared all the bats, helped Steve up and tried to calm down a frantic Brecklynn. "Brecklynn... It's okay.. He is gonna be fine, I promise." Eddie said, wrapping his arms around here to comfort her. I couldn't help but admire the way he always put others before himself, making sure everyone is okay. Eddie came back over, pointing out the thousands of bats coming towards us. "RUNN!!" Nancy screamed, I was instantly Grabbed by Eddie, being dragged along by my arm. We ran into the forest as we were being chased by demonic bats.

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