Hiding from everyone.. but you

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Once Eddie finally found the small bag, we walked down the short hallway, revealing Chrissy frozen in the middle of the living room, her eyes rolled back.  "Chrissy?.. You okay?" I asked, reaching out to grasp onto Eddie, pulling myself closer to him.  "Cmon Chrissy it's not funny, I don't like this." Eddie grumbled, thinking it was a joke. But when Chrissy began to slowly lift into the air, we knew it was serious. "WHAT THE HELL" I screamed, causing Eddie to quickly wrap his arms around me in a protective manner. "CHRISSY WAKE UP!! WAKE UP CHRISSY! I DON'T LIKE THIS!" Eddie screamed, his arms still tight around me as he tried to calm my racing mind. We toppled backwards onto the floor when Chrissy flew up and slammed the ceiling, her limbs beginning to break. "OH MY GOD!! Eddie!! What's happening?!?!" I cried out, tears streaming down both of our faces.  "Baby I don't know, just don't look..!"  Eddie shouted, his arms enclosing me, his hands cupping my face. I buried my face into him, not able to handle the sight much longer. 

Eddie's POV

I held a tight grip on Y/n, my hand holding her head the other wrapped tightly around her waist.  My eyes widened as I watched Chrissy slam onto the floor of my living room, tightening the grip around Y/n out of fear.  When the gruesome scene had ended, I quickly picked y/n up, her Legs wrapping around my waist.  I quickly rushed out of the trailer, my hand running through her hair soothingly. "Baby, I need you to listen to me okay?" I said as I placed her in the passenger seat of my van, leaning into the open door, holding her in my arms.  She looked up at me, her eyes puffy and full with fear.  "We need to leave, but I can't let you come with me, the second they find Chrissy they will assume I'm the number 1 suspect and I can't let them find you, you're my everything." I stated, rubbing her back softly.  I didn't want to leave y/n ever, but I would rather me be blamed than her too.  "NO! I can't leave you, I don't know what to do without you, please..." She cried, gripping onto my hair. "In the morning you can come find me, I just have to drop you off at your home tonight." I whispered, my voice trembled at the thought of having to leave Y/n for the night.

Y/n's POV

"You promise that I will see you t-tomorrow?" I mumbled, burying my face into Eddie's neck. "Yes, I promise.." He whispered, placing a gentle kis on my forehead before closing my door and walking to his side.  He sat in his worn seat, starting the engine of his beat up van. Right away 'Hellraiser' by Ozzy Osbourne came on, blasting from the speakers.  Eddie reached over, turning the volume down and taking my hand in his.  I quickly lifted up my armrest, sitting on the middle seat beside the drivers seat. I got as close as I could to him, resting my head on his shoulder, his arm slinked around my waist. He quickly sped to my house, his heavily ringed hand tapping anxiously on the steering wheel.  We pulled into my driveway, Dustin was sitting on a lawn chair on the porch, quickly standing when he saw Eddie's van come swerving to a stop.

Dustin came stomping up to the Van, opening my door.  "So you just made be walk home from school yesterday, not tell anyone where you were or who you were with, and then just not show up to school today?!" Dustin shouted, his arms flailing as he ranted on.  He quickly stopped when he noticed my red puffy eyes, tears staining my cheeks.  Dusting looked past me to see Eddie's terrified look on his face.  "What the- what happened?.." Dustin questioned, reaching his hand out to help me out of the van but I quickly coiled back into Eddie's grasp, hugging him desperately.  "I promise you I will see you tomorrow, tell Dustin everything.. he will know what to do.." Eddie whispered to me, his head resting on top of mine. "Okay.. please.. be careful.. I can't lose you.. I- ... I love you.." I whispered back, mumbling the last bit.  "I love you too bubba." Eddie cooed, smiling down at me reassuringly. 

I hugged him tightly before lifting my head to place a loving kiss to his lips, quickly hopping out of the van.  I teamed up as I Watched him pull out, a terrified look on his face.  I turned to Dustin, his face softening once he noticed the tears streaming down my face. "Y/n... what happened?.." Dustin whispered as he walked closer to me, pulling me into a tight hug. "Something.. terrible.. let's go to my room and I'll.. explain.."  I whispered, pulling away from the hug.  We went into the house, my eyes locked to the floor as I trudged to my room.  I pushed open my door, the dark red carpet, band posters, and guitars brought a comfort to me. The sight of my own room brought some relief, I ran my fingers along the hem of Eddie's sweatshirt I was wearing.  I lied on my bed, ignoring Dustin's worried stares. 

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