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It was sometime in the middle of the night, I was still asleep, my legs intertwined with Eddie's.  I was lying peacefully until I felt Eddie jolt awake, sitting up quickly, his breath rapid and body sweaty.  I quickly sat up, sitting beside him.  I rubbed his back, trying to calm him down, "Eddie? You okay?.. What's wrong.?"  I questioned while placing a soft kiss on his bare shoulder to comfort him.  "I-I had a nightmare.."  He whispered, his voice trembling.  Eddie quickly turned his body to face me, he leapt into my arms, wrapping his own around my waist.  As we sat in each other's embrace I began to hear Eddie softly crying.  "Oh baby... what's wrong?.."   I questioned, laying back so he was now laying atop me, his head on my chest and his arms wrapped around my waist.  "I have nightmares a-all the time but this one really scared m-me.."  He croaked, his voice trembling.  "Do you wanna talk about it?"  I whispered, placing a soft kiss atop his head.  Eddie sighed at the action, adjusting himself to now be laying atop me, my fingers softly running through his loose curls.  "You're going to think its w-weird.."  He whispered, intertwining his legs with mine.  "Eddie.. I've heard some weird, messed up shit.. You can tell me."  I assured him, running my fingers up and down his back, his breathing finally slowing down from his panicked fit.  "Well... you were there and.. We were sitting together,  I went to get something and when I came back you were off with that prick Jason.. I know it's not real but.. It felt so real.." He whispered, telling the story perfectly.  "Eddie.. I would never.. And I mean NEVER do that to you.  Jason is a prick, you are... perfect.."  I whispered back, watching as Eddie began to drift back to sleep, he found a kind of comfort in y/n's arms. 

    Eddie's pov

I lied on Y/n,  soaking in the immaculate feeling of her soft hands running up and down my back, every so often placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head.  As we lay in silence, I began to drift off, but I felt the need to stay awake with y/n.  She then kissed my head again, but this time I groaned in response, a sort of euphoria washed over me everytime she placed one of her loving kisses on my head.  "Hm? You okay?"  She said, I could feel her looking down at me so I raised my head, resting my chin on her chest, as I looked into her bright blue eyes it hit me like a ton of bricks..  I am deeply, and inevitably in love with this girl..  "What is it?" I heard her say, breaking me out of my trance. I could just melt by the way she looked at me, a soft smile on her face.  "You're just.. Really... like really beautiful.."  I whispered to her, my eyes darting around her face, taking in every feature.  "Y-you think so?.."  She said, a hard blush spreading across her cheeks.  "Are you serious? Hell yeah, you're like.. Perfect.."  Isaid, mumbling the last part to myself as if I couldn't wrap his head around it.  "Oh Eddie, nothing can compete with your beauty." She said, giggling through her words.  I blushed, burying my face into her neck once more in an attempt to hide the deep red tint spread across my face.  "Babe stopppp."  I had realized what I said pretty quickly, I  looked up and slapped my hand over my mouth, her face turned bright red, a smile creeping across her lips.  "I-i mean- it just- im sorry, I didn't-"  I rambled.

Y/n's pov

    I smiled, the pet name he had given me instantly becoming my favorite.  I cupped his cheek with my hand, brushing his fringe out from his eyes.  "Eddie.." I cut him off, watching as his big brown eyes nervously darted between my eyes trying to read my reaction.  "It's okay. I like it."  I whispered, pulling his face closer to mine, resting my forehead to his.  "Y/n?..."  Eddie whispered, my eyes shot open, looking up to find him already looking deeply into my eyes. "Hm?" I hummed in response, it was the only thing I could get out in the moment.  "I know we haven't known each other for a long time but... you make me feel so safe and just... I feel like I am finally finding where I belong.. When I'm with you.  I understand if you think I'm moving too fast but... Y/n.. will you... make me probably just the happiest man in the world by being... My girlfriend?"  He mumbled, quite fast actually.. Eddie looked into my eyes, waiting for an answer.  I quickly leaned forward, pressing my lips against his.  Eddie was quick to wrap his arms around me, engulfing me into the long awaited kiss.  My arms snaked around his neck, playing with the loose curls at the nape of his neck.

-That boy-  Eddie Munson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now