Hiding with my love

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I didn't realize how emotional I would get when I saw him again.. I stumbled forward, about 7 feet away from the man I loved most. I began to cry, not paying attention to everyone else screaming Eddie's name. I watched as he didn't answer anyone.. "E-Eddie?.." I croaked, tears streaming down my face, my legs going weak.

Eddie's POV

I held the bottle to Steve's throat, my entire body tensed. That's when I heard it, the voice of the person I loved most.. Y/n. The second J heard her, my muscles softened, a light lit in my body, my face heated, I needed Y/b so much right now. I dropped the beer bottle, the glass shattering on the floor. I staggered around, turning to face her. "Y/n.." I croaked, my eyes welling with tears. I shuffled forward, stumbling a few feet. I soon broke out in a quick sprint, my arms spread out. I engulfed her into my arms, walking us to a post and sliding down to the ground.

Y/n's POV

We were now both loudly crying into each other, I didn't realize how much I needed Eddie right now. Our hands roamed each other's upper half, just missing the feeling of being in each other's arms. I desperately gripped onto him, standing up from the ground, he stood up too. As soon as he stood he instantly pulled me towards him and held me tightly, his face buried in my neck. "I was so scared bubba.. I didn't sleep.. I missed you so much, god I love you.." He mumbled, his hands entangled into my hair. 

"God I didn't sleep either.. I love you.. I love you.." I cooed, Kissing right behind his ear.  "That made me feel so single, it's not even funny." Robin said, everyone staring at her. "Oh my god am I the only one here who is single?!" Robin shouted, although the rest of the group was arguing now, Eddie and I hadn't released each other, the both of us now sitting on the ground up against the wall as I sat on his lap, my face in his neck.

"Eddie, what happened? Did you like.. see any like.. dust particles?.." Dustin questioned, sitting down in front of us.  I quickly turned my head, looking up at Eddie's face. I frowned, the look of absolute terror on his face, his eye bags heavy. I got off him, tapping my lap for him to lay on. He quickly got on top of me, his head rested on my chest, his legs intertwined with mine. "It was like.. a ghost just k-killed her.." We both whispered. "She was like.. lifted into the air.. and just.. her bones snapped.." Eddie whimpered, his grip tightening around me. "And it's like- her eyes man.. they were just sucked out of her head like something was.. was pulling from the inside.." He said, soft sobs poured from his mouth.

Eddie's POV

I held onto my girlfriend, my arms tightly wrapped around her waist. I groaned at the feeling of her hands running through my hair, my head resting on her chest. "I just.. I was selling her some drugs for like.. nightmares or some shit.. then me and Y/n walk out to find her.. like t-that."  I sniffled, remembering the traumatic event Y/n and I went through.

I leaned into her touch, enjoying the soothing strokes she placed on my hair and head.. I couldn't even use words to explain how in love I was with the women.. She makes me feel whole.  "It's almost like an invisible identity casting a spell.." Dustin mumbled, thinking to himself. "Or like a curse.." I said, rubbing circles on Y/n's Thigh. "Vecna's curse.." Dustin and I said in unison. "Wait, wait who's Vecna?.." Steve said, waving his arms around, turning towards his girlfriend Brecklynn. "Uhh yeah.. I think I missed something.." Brecklynn said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh my god you guys are so behind, c'mon we will go and figure some things out while Y/n and Eddie stay here."  Dustin groaned, shuffling everyone out of the old shack.

Y/n's POV

We sat in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying each other's embrace. Finally Eddie sat up, his eye's meeting mine. "Wanna lay in my makeshift bed?" He whispered, attacking my neck with passionate kisses. "Okay bubs, cmon.." I replied, tapping his cheek as a sign to get up. He slowly sat up lifting me with him. I didn't bother to place my legs down to walk because I knew how much Eddie loved to carry me around for some odd reason. I held onto him as he walked us over to the biggest boat, tarps and life jackets cushioned it as best he could.

-That boy-  Eddie Munson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now