APR (1)

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It was another normal day at the Mystery Shack, Gideon just finished helping his aunt bake some cookies for selling.

He approached the couch and jumped on it, laying down next to his cousin Pacifica.

"Sup, Gid?" Pacifica asked.

"Hi Paz." Gideon said.

"Tired of cooking?" Paz asked.

"Like all I did today was just cook." Gideon said. "Uncle Pres made me clean the attic, help him deal with the tourists and stay on the cash today since Robbie didn't come."

"That's sad." Pacifica said. "At least work is over for you, right?"

"Yeah, finally." Gideon said. "What were you watching?"

"Before the commercials started I was watching Treasure Hunger!" Paz exclaimed.

"I thought that show was cancelled in our country?" Gideon asked.

"It was." Pacifica said. She approached Gideon and whispered to him. "We have illegal channels."

"How did you get that?" Gideon asked.

"Dad set it up for me!" Pacifica said.

"Oh." Gideon let out. "Your dad would do almost anything for you, wouldn't he?"

"Sure he would!" Pacifica said.

Gideon smiled a bit, but kept silent for a while, showing his smile was not really of happiness.

"What's wrong, Gid?" Pacifica asked.

"It's just that. . ." Gideon paused. "Nevermind, it's nothing."

"If you say so." Pacifica said.

"And now. . . To our town's amusement. . ." a commercial man said.

The commercial got Gideon and Pacifica's attention, who had their eyes on the screen and paid close attention to it, not even stopping to blink.

"The return of our beloved Telepathy Twins into Reverse Falls!"

"Telepathy Twins? Sounds familiar." Pacifica said.

"You live here and you don't remember them?" Gideon asked.

"Let's watch the commercial and maybe I'll remember." Pacifica said.

"Did you miss our beloved twins?" the commercial man asked.

A man was shown in the commercial, crying. "I did!" he said.

A couple of a man and a woman holding each other close appeared after. "The Telepathy Twins helped me find my true love." the woman said.

Then a mother with a baby in her arms appeared next. "If it wasn't for them, I'm sure I would still be suffering!" the mother said.

"Such drama." Gideon said.

"That's what calls attention, Gid." Pacifica said. "And now, I'm curious to see it."

"The Tent of Telepathy is reopening tonight! Come watch our shows and see the spectacle of real psychics!" the commercial man said.

"Psychics?" Gideon asked.

"Are those twin real psychics?" Pacifica asked, a bit excited.

"Just going to find out." Gideon said.

"Then let's go!" Pacifica said.

"Absolutely not!" Preston shouted at the door.

Gideon and Pacifica looked at him, confused, but Pacifica also had a bit of sadness and disappointment. "C'mon, dad! You never let me see the tent before! I wanna go!" Pacifica said.

"No means no." Preston said. "You both need to stay away from that tent!"

"Uncle Pres, why do you want Pacifica and I to stay away from the Tent of Telepathy?" Gideon asked.

"Because they're a bunch of liars, greedy jerks, they're untrustworthy and manipulative." Preston said.

"And how do you know?" Gideon asked.

"My word is final." Preston stated, dodging the question. "My family, while staying under my roof, will not approach Gleeful's roof!"

He left the room and went to the kitchen, Pacifica and Gideon were a bit upset at that. "Awe, I wanted to see them." Pacifica said.

"Your dad never let you get close to them?" Gideon asked.

"No." Pacifica answered.

"Maybe that's why she doesn't remember those - Telepathy Twins -." Gideon thought.

A realisation came into Gideon. "He said we couldn't approach their roof, right?" Gideon asked.

"Yeah, why?" Pacifica asked.

"Do tent have roofs?" Gideon asked, smiling.

A big smile came to Pacifica's face. "They don't!" Pacifica said. "We found a loophole!"

"Then we're going with or without my grumpy uncle's permission!" Gideon said. "We're not in their roof, anyways."

"But you're not going alone." Priscilla said, entering the living room. "You need an adult with you."

"Then come with us, mom!" Pacifica said.

"That was the plan, honey." Priscilla said.

Gideon and Pacifica celebrated, getting off of the couch and hugging each other, jumping in circles while repeating the words "Tent! Tent! Tent! Tent! Tent! Tent!" multiple times, getting a small chuckle from Priscilla.

Shades Of Blue (Reverse Falls S01)Where stories live. Discover now