Made it out

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I finally feel a rock with the palm of my hand. "Land." I think. I push myself up, coughing and spluttering, when I see a pair of feet. "Here we go again." I think, when I look up. It's Peter. He hurriedly helps me up and I hug him as tight as possible. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see someone in my life. He hugs me back and then goes stiff, as though he's seen something. I hear a loud crack and a bullet whizzes past, landing beside our feet. There's no decision to be made. We both leg it, hand in hand, away from the forever firing bullets and into the forest in front of us.
There's a bit of dodging through the trees before Peter stops and yanks me to a sharp left. We keep running and eventually I see light ahead. We come into a clearing and for one moment I think we've run into a school camp, until I realise all the boys wear the same attire as Peter. They're all sitting around a fire when one of the taller, more scrawny boys stand up, signalling us to come over. "M'names Felix, how do you do." He greets me and takes a bow. "Alex." I say firmly.

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