Chapter 4

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A while later, they came back to Jack's house, taking out of Dr. Ficklestein's equipment and started experimenting 

"Interesting reaction" Jack said "but what does it mean?"

When Jack was writing on the black chalkboard, Grace noticing a basket hanging at his window so she said as she points to the window "um, Jack?"

Jack turned, saw the basket, they looked down and it was Sally, he grabbed the basket, opening the bottle and the smoke of butterfly appeared but then when he looked down, she was gone, it made him confused and so he shut the window

The next day, Jack stayed up all night to figure it out about Christmas, while Jack was singing Grace came in and see Jack

Jack opened the window and said "eureka, this year Christmas will be OURS" and everyone cheered except Sally

A while later, Jack and Grace were at the auditorium giving everyone jobs for their Christmas

Then Dr. Ficklestein came and Jack said "doctor, thank you for coming, we need some of these" and he showed him a picture of Santa's sleigh and reindeers

"Hmm, their construction should be exceedingly simply, I think" Dr. Ficklestein said

"How horrible our Christmas will be!" Mayor said

"No" Jack said, then the Mayor switches to his upset face "how jolly!"

"Oh. How jolly our Christmas will be" Mayor said and then some ball and paper threw at him "grr, what are you doing here?"

3 kids came to them said one of them said "Jack sent for us"

"Specifically" one person said

"By name" the other one said and they took their masks off

"Lock" he said

"Shock" she said

"Barrel" he said

"Jack, Jack" Mayor worried "it's Boogie's boys"

"Ah, Halloween's finest trick or treaters" Jack said "the job I have for you is top secret, it requires craft, cunning mischief"

"And we thought you didn't like us, Jack" Shock said and they laughed

"Absolutely no one is to know about it, not a soul, now" Jack said and he whispers to them

"And one more thing..." Jack said and stops Lock from leaving "leave that no-account Oogie-Boogie out of this!"

"Whatever you say, Jack" Barrel said

"Of course, Jack" Shock said

"Wouldn't dream of it, Jack" Lock said and they giggles and left

"I have the feeling that this cannot be good" Grace said

"Hmm, what did you say, Grace?" Jack asked

"Oh um nothing I said it's going to be good" Grace said

"That's the spirit, kid" Jack said as he rubs her head

A while later, after Jack wanted the orchestra to practice Christmas songs then Sally was next

"Sally, I need your help more than anyone's" Jack said

"You certainly do, Jack, I had the most terrible vision" Sally said

"That's splendid!" Jack said

"No, it was about your Christmas" Sally said "there was smoke and fire!"

"That's not my Christmas, my Christmas is filled with laughter and joy, and this!" Jack said and shows Sally a sketching of himself in a replica of Santa's suit "my Sandy Claws outfit; I want you to make it!"

"Jack, please listen to me, it's going to be a disaster!" Sally said

"How could it be? Just follow the pattern. This part's red, the trim is white" Jack said

"It's a mistake, Jack" Sally said

"Now don't be modest. Who else is clever enough to make my Sandy Claws outfit?" Jack said

"Next!" Mayor said

"I have every confidence in you" Jack said

"But it seems wrong to me. Very wrong" Sally said and then when she left, Jack showed Behemouth the nutcracker til Lock, Shock and Bareel came with a big bag

"Jack! Jack! We caught him, we caught him" they said

"Perfect! Open it up. Quickly!" Jack said

Barrel opens it up to reveal the Easter Bunny

"That's not Sandy Claws!" Jack said

"It isn't?" Shock confused

"Who is it?" Barrel asked

Then the Easter bunny hops up a set of steps and up to the Behemouth, sniffing him and he points at it

"Bunny!" Behemouth said and the Easter Bunny leaps back into the covered tub, terrified

"Not Sandy Claws... Take him back!" Jack said

"We followed your instructions..." Lock said

"We went through the door" Barrel said

"Which door? There's more than one! Sandy Claws is behind the door shaped like this" Jack said and shows them a Christmas cookie in shape of tree

"I told you!" Shock said

Lock and Shock started to fight, Jack buries his face in his hand and after a moment stretches out his jaw and screams to make them to stop

"I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, sir" Jack said to the Easter Bunny and turns to Lock, Shock and Barrel "take him home first. And apologize again. Be careful with Sandy Claws when you fetch him. Treat him nicely"

"Got it" They said

"We'll get it right..." Shock said

"Next time!" They said together and they left

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