🍀angry bird🍀

209 24 2

Two days later

Rude mtf😡

Unknow number
What do you want😡

Rude mtf😡
Just wanna talk
I'm bored

Wierd guy
Than go fuck

Rude mtf😡
Why are you acting
Like this??

Wierd guy
Because i fucking can

Rude mtf😡
Do you fucking know
Who you are talking to

Wierd guy
Yes a fucking bitch
Fuck you😡

Rude mtf😡
Well fuck you too
Jerk fucking peasant

Wierd guy
Ddffgdgghnvczjtdhg DID YOU JUST

Rude mtf😡
Fuck of bitch

Wierd guy
I hate you😡

Rude mtf😡
Well guess what I
Fucking hate you too

Wierd guy
Goodbye bitch😡

Rude mtf😡
You're a boy

Wierd guy
Yes,what did you think😡

Rude mtf😡
Then why are you acting like
A fucking girl who
Just got dumped by
Her fucking rich boyfriend

Wierd guy
Remind me why i'm
Still talking to you

Rude mtf😡
Because.........i don't know

Wierd guy
Oke bye

Rude mtf😡
Fuck you

Wierd guy
Fuck you too

Rude mtf😡
Fuck you three

Wierd guy
Fuck you four

Rude mtf😡
Fuck you five

Wierd guy
Fuck you... wait what are we doing

Rude mtf😡
I don't know

Wierd guy

Rude mtf😡

Wierd guy


Yoongi stared at his phone expresionless .he blink a few times before shutting his phone walking to his privite jet.he doesn't know why he was talking to this kid anyway but he was trying to make new friends so.

Goodmorning Min yoongi we'll be leaving in 5 minutes please put on youre seatbelt for savety and make sure to turn of all electronics the pilot said .yoongi sighed before turning to the readers.

Hi guys i forgot to introduce myself ,my name is min yoongi 25years old.

Hi guys i forgot to introduce myself ,my name is min yoongi 25years old

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son of one of the riches man in korea.don't think that I'm those spoil brat in the movies no just because I'm son of one of the richest man in Korea doesn't mean that my live is perfect because its not perfect at all please read to find out more about my life.

Hoseok is angry how dare a stanger call him a fucking PEASANT."when i find this guy i swear to god i—"HOSEOK WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU"

"get out hyung"hoseok glared at his hyung that was standing by his room doorway.

"o please noone can tell this world wide handsome guy what to do"the tallest male in the room said looking at his little brother messy room." Ugh why is your room so dirty"his hyung looked at him in disgust.

"jin hyung please leave i can't right now,said hoseok
Anoyed,he groan when he felt his brother sitting next to him.

"I'll leave stop fucking yelling ,said jin smilling at his little brother",oke but hurry up you still got 2 minutes,said jin"

"for what" asked jhope looking very confused.

"Please don't tell me you forgot",said jin
"JIMIN IS COMING OVER IN 2 GODDAM MINUTES" said jin glaring at hobi cause he told him many times."why didn't you tell me before"hoseok asked his hyung panicking.

"I told you many times you just wasn't listening,and why do you looked so panick its just jimin not like your gonna go out I don't know why you kept hiding from him he's been trying to see you since day one but your always hiding in your stupid room you know we can see you from down there right"hoseok stared at his hyung with wide eyes why was he talking so fast.

" you know what get out"hoseok pushed his hyung out of his room with a lot off struggle because his hyung was too heavy for him.he sigh locking his door.

"hi guys let me interduce myself my name is jung hoseok AKA hobi one of the most beautiful jungs i'm 19 years old.

i have a brother his name is seokjin he thinks he's the most handsome guy in the world wich he is but sometimes he's too much

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i have a brother his name is seokjin he thinks he's the most handsome guy in the world wich he is but sometimes he's too much.

i live with my mom dad and brother we are not poor but also not rich we are middle class people and i love my life, talking about love ,i love park jimin i have a huge crush on him.bytheway i'm gay but only my brother know i'm scared of telling my parenst my brother is bisexual so i got"—"HOSEOK HE'S ALREADY HERE"leave me alone hyung sorry gotta go hide somewhere bye😉".

A/n bye😄

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