❤"i love you 2"❤

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"I LOVE YOU JUNG HOSEOK!" hoseok froze,yoongi said it,he really did..but did he mean it?was he just pretending to like him just to make him happy or just to make himself feel better and not like shit for rejecting him.hoseok didn't care all he cared about was not to get his heart broken for a second time,to not depent on someone lobe for the second time,he needed to stopaybe it wasn't his time yet after all he's still young,maybe all this love drama isn't for him yet.so without looking back hoseok ran out of the building praying that no one had realized he was Jung hoseok but doubting on the eyes on him give it away,they knew.

"Hoseok!,hoba please!,wait!" Yoongi desperately called,running after hoseok who was very much faster than him it didn't take long before he lost hoseok in the traffic.he bent down holding his knees,his long hair waving as the wind blew,tired he took a minute to calm himself down before he silently trudge back to his company, having in mind to go to the only person that could help him in this situation.


"I messed up" yoongi groan for the many times hanging his head low,his long hair now in a pony tail,currently he was seated in namjoon living room,he had expectations, that namjoon would have an answer to his problem but ever since he step into the house namjoon was busy on his phone and now still busy.

"Yeah..red roses..the aile both side's needs to be decorated in red roses,hello?not pink,R-E-D R-O-S-S-E-S" yoongi sigh it was a bad idea coming to a man that's getting married in less than two weeks,namjoon clearly didn't have time,just when yoongi was about to get up and leave namjoon got of the call and smiled at him."hey"usually yoongi would scouled Nam for putting other thing before but right now he didn't even have the energy to get so he just silently sat there."hey are you okey?"yoongi answer by silently laying down on the couch and hugged his body making him look small.namjoon eyebrow raised,realizing something was wrong with yoongi he approach him and sat on the chair beside him silently waiting for yoongi to start talking."hoseok won't believe I love him"namjoon sigh softly as yoongi bit his lips a sad look on his face.

"You know this is all your fault right?,I told you to stop fucking around with him and confess but no,now he won't believe you" namjoon ranted making yoongi more guilty."you're not helping"yoongi mumble thinking how to make hoseok belief him,he's been hiding his feelings for so long and when he gathered the courage and confessed hoseok won't belief him,knowing hoseok had trust issue with love related stuff made yoongi more sad."what are you going to do right now?"namjoon asked looking at yoongi who sigh and slowly sat up his long hair covering his eyes he huff blowing the hair aside to look at namjoon."try until he believes me"yoongi slowly got up,looking visibly worn out as he made his way to the front door."I'll be rooting for you hyung,fighting! "Namjoon yelled as yoongi disappeared out of the house,namjoon felt a little disappointed with himself as he didn't know what advice to give yoongi cause he didn't know hoseok like yoongi did,he could only pray things go well for yoongi.


Yoongi reach home,he stayed in his car for a while before he ditch his car and slowly made his way into his house.it's as if he had lost all his energy,he felt so tired when he only did a mere job.he didn't even bother to go to his room,he just silently laid on the cough,frowning as hoseok sad expression flicked before him.he sigh and roll over gazing at the ceiling." I'm so sorry sunshine...I never wanted to hurt you"yoongi mumble a tear dropping from his eyes unwillingly, he close his eyes to prevent the others from falling.

His door bell rang making him look up surprised, he wasn't expecting anyone but he didn't think much of it,he went over and opened the door not expecting to see a furious jin."ji-we need to talk"jin pushed yoongi aside and made himself at home.he went into the living room stood in the center and placed his hands on his hips,tipping his feet on the floor showing how angry he was,yoongi slowly trudged back in and sigh knowing where this was already going,he waited for jin outburst but he just continue tapping his feet on the floor making yoongi a little frustrated. "Are you going to say something?" Jin stop tapping and glared up at yoongi."oh,so you could talk?,you could talk?"jin said sarcastically gasping,he chuckle then stop the glare from before returning."what did I tell you min yoongi,I told you that if you ever hurted hoseok I would kill you,still you went on and hurt him,right?,can I know the reason why my little brother who left home smiling came home crying and refusing to talk to anyone after he came from YOUR workplace,you better have a good explanation cause I sweae-"jin stop and took a deep breath to calm himself down,his eyes were red filled with tears,making yoongi guilty jin was getting married in less than a month,he was clearly stressed and tired by his messy hair and bags under his eyes.

Yoongi looked down to avoid his guilt and jin glare.jin approach him until he was inches away from him,he opened his mouth to talk but yoongi looked up at him and his heart broke at the sight."I'm s-sorry"yoongi mumble tears now streaming down his face his cheeks puffy looking so small and venerable. Jin sigh and took some steps back he rubbed on his forehead before he looked at yoongi,this time his gaze for some reason didn't held any anger in it.he slowly went to yoongi and took his hand.

Yoongi looked up as he realized jin was dragging him to his car."where are we going?"yoongi asked wiping his tears."you're going to make this right"yoongi frown he wanted to protest but then again he needed hoseok to believe that he truly loved him so if jin was willing to help he was all in,he sigh and let jin drag him to the car.


"Are you sure of this?" Yoongi asked once they arrived,jin nodded."don't fuck this up!"jin warn getting out of the car.yoongi sigh and fallowed jin that led him to a room that yoongi assumed was hoseok's.jin knock on the door softly."seok,baby can I come in"they heard a little yes and yoongi heart broke hearing that little sad voice.jin opened the door and went in but yoongi stayed outside now nervous to face hoseok."someone's here for you"jin told softly making hoseok frown and look up from where he was laid in bed covered in his blanket."who?"hoseok had his doubt but wish it wasn't true,he didn't want to face him now although his wish didn't come true as yoongi poked his head behind jin to look at him,he sigh and sat up.

Jin pulled yoongi inside and left the room.once jin left it fell silent between them,none of them knowing how to start a conversation.

"I'm sorry" hoseok said breaking the silence,yoongi shook his head."no,I'm the one who's sorry,I should've confess-no that's not it,I'm sorry I pressured you into lying that you love me,I'm sorry for being too demanded,I just..I just love you"hoseok whispered the last part gaze on his feet as he refused to stare at yoongi,in his head yoongi must be so disgusted by him but in reality yoongi heart was breaking as he stared at hoseok.he walked over to him and fell on his knees,softly taking hoseok hand in his he placed soft kisses along it knuckles. "You mean so much to me seok,I love you so much,I wish I could prove my love for,I want to love you care for you,be with you in the hardest and happiest time of your life,I want to give you my all,when I don't even have it,I love you hoseok,you didn't pressure me into anything, I've loved you even before you knew it" yoongi was crying as he poured his heart and love out to hoseok,he couldn't believe it he was in love he fell in love again with the most beautiful boy in the world,he was ready to risk everything for their love,as hoseok smiled down at him he knew he wanted to protect him forever.

"I l-love you too" hoseok chuckle trough his tears,yoongi smiled,he stood up and hugged hoseok who hugged him back,happy that yoongi loved him too,happy that finally he found his special someone,happy that he found his lover.

They spent the remaining hours laughing and talking until they grew tired,and fell asleep in each other arms.

Jin looked stared at the two sleeping figure with a small smile,finally at ease that his little brother was happy again.he closed the door and let them sleep.

On the other side of the city

Her blond hair swaying with the air,red dress hugging her body perfectly she approach the small house,she knocked on the door where a male with a sickening smile opened it for her."well,well took you long enough"the guy said walking back into the house while the girl remain standing at the doorway,a scared look in her eyes."you want anything water,coffee-he confessed"the male stop talking and turned around to face the girl,a smile displead on his lips but his dark eyes held only anger,the girl grew more scared as the male began to chuckle,softly until it got louder and louder then he abruptly stopped. "Seems like it's time for the game to began"

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