🦋"don't..don't do it seok.."🦋

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Suga daddy💓

I missed you
Did you miss me?🥺

Suga daddy💓

You didn't miss me?

Suga daddy💓
No why would I?

No reason..

Suga daddy💓

Suga daddy💓
Okey I did miss you
feel better?😞

I knew you did😘
I missed you too🥺

I have so much to tell you

I went to jail😁

Yoongi chuckle now he had to pretend like he didn't know.

Suga daddy💓
Oh really?
How come?

And that's how hoseok told yoongi the whole story about how he went to jail and how he kissed a stranger named harry–yes harry.hoseok had forgotten to asked yoongi his name so he asked namjoon who panicked and he told him the first name that came into his head and that being harry yea I know stupid.yoongi swear he was going to kill namjoon the next time he sees him.

He told him about how harry(yoongi)was a good kisser and he wanted to kiss him again and again.yoongi just smirked knowing that hoseok thinks he's a good kisser.

2weeks later

Hoseok was trying to get his mind of harry(yoongi)because he couldn't stop thinking about him the way he held him close and the way he used to tease him AND THE KISS God those kissing scene didn't leave his mind for a sec he couldn't focus even his parents told him that he's been distracted since he came back from that sleepover.he wanted–no he needed to stop thinking about him but the fucking problem was HE MISSED harry (yoongi) like really really misses him every time namjoon came to visit jin he would always check if yoongi came along but he never did and yes jin told their parents about namjoon and they were very happy sinds namjoon was a good guy and he was also rich so who would say no.

Hoseok also talked to jungkook who said that he was sorry that he was avoiding him jungkook said he just had a lot of stuff on his mind and jhope believed him hugging him they went back to being best friends but hoseok felt that something was just off with jungkook.

"Come on hoseok you have to do this, you just have to tell him no biggi,if he accept you than yay!!but if he doesn't...than I'll just rant to yoongi yes ha"hoseok mumble mentally preparing himself of what he was about to do.

Yoongi was in his office he had so much work to do do many deals to make so many place to go he just wanted to sleep but he couldn't he had to take care of his company.

He heard his phone ringing so being exhausted he picked it up not reading the contact name."Hello who is this?"

"Your lost rib Daddy~"yoongi choked on his coffee..HOSEOK WHY WAS HOSEOK CALLING HIM?he panicked he didn't want hoseok to hear his voice or else he would know that it's him.

"hoseok why are you calling me?"yoongi asked voice deeper than usual.

"Damn daddy your voice is soooo deep~~can I drown in it~??" yoongi rolled his eyes smiling when hoseok chuckle.

"Come to the point hoseok I'm working"

"Oh sorry sorry..guess WHAT?"


"Yoongi say what~~" hoseok wined.yoongi chuckle.


"I'M CONFESSING TO JIMIN TODAY!!" hoseok squealed yoongi world stopped normally when hoseok talked about jimin yoongi would just chuckle or smile but why is he getting angry now why was the thought of losing hoseok today making him....furious?.

"Hey..yoongi you there?"

Yoongi cleared his throat.

"Yea I'm..I..."

"Do you think..he will like me back?" Hoseok mumble unsure.

Yoongi sigh"um I don't know seok..why all of a sudden?"

"Oh come on yoongi you know I've loved jimin for as long as I can remember I have to do this" hoseok said.

"Don't...don't do it seok...." Yoongi whispered softly he didn't know why he said that but he just had a bad feeling about this.

"I have to do it yoongs.."yoongi hear someone calling for hoseok on the other side.

"Yoongi I have to go..I..I love you"hoseok said before cutting the call." I love you too.."yoongi whispered relaxing in his seat.sighing before he realised what he said his eyes went wide in horror.WHAT THE FUCK NO..I DON'T LOVE HIM..I..I CAN'T.he sigh knowing what was going to happen next.sighing again he started preparing for his next meeting.

Hoseok was happy nervous too but mostly happy.he was going to confess to jimin today he called him this morning and told him that he wanted to tell him something and jimin told him to meet him at ××××park he really didn't know why he wanted to confess all of a sudden but why not I mean it's not like jimin is going to reject him right?......right.

Hoseok was so nervous that he decided to go and tell jungkook first before going to meet jimin.he called jungkook but he wasn't picking up so he went to his house anyway.he cheerfully jogged to his best friends house humming sofly under the afternoonsky.

He rang the bell and jungkook mother was the one who opened the door.

"Hey Mrs.jeon how are you?"

"Oh hi hoseok I'm fine,how are you?"

"I'm okey,is junkook here?"

"Yes he's upstairs in his room"

"Okey can I go meet him?"

"Of course hoseok" Mrs.jeon chuckle hoseok has been here so many times but he always ask for permission to do every little things.

Hoseok walked upthestairs looking for jungkook's room.he heared some soft noises coming from jungkook's room..the closer he got the louder the noise got but not loud enough for someone to hear if you're not close.

Hoseok thought that maybe jungkook was just playing video games and he was loosing.so without thinking twice hoseok open the door..and he felt how his eyes went wide..how his mouth hang open and how the tears stared rolling down his cheeks how his heart stopped
.because there..

Laid jeon jungkook..

Getting fucked by park jimin..

A/n:me after writing this三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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