🦚i'm sorry🦚

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Yoongi woke up by the sun light that was hitting his face he groan covering his face with his hand.but to his dismay his alarm started buzzing he groan hating the fact that he had to go to work.

He did his morning routine.not forgetting to eat his breakfast.after that he said Good-by to his favorite maid marry.

Marry was like a mom to him always taking care of him yoongi knew her since he was 4 years old she used to work for yoongi's father but yoongi took her in when he bought his own house (mansion).

"See ya latter marry noona",yoongi happily said walking to get his car.he loved to drive himself.

"Yea see ya latter ",marry said walking off.yoongi was about to start driving when his phone rang.he took his phone out of his suitcase.

He looked at the contact who was calling and it was noone other than namjoon.he smiled before picking up.

"Hello"yoongi said relaxing in his seat.

"O hi suga how are you"namjoon asked on the other line.

"I'm fine what's up"yoongi asked checking the time on his watch it was pretty Earlie.

"Do you wanna hangout like old times"namjoon asked somewhat happy.

"When do you wanna hangout"

"Maybe tomorr--"

"Skrrrrrrr"is what yoongi heard on the other side of the phone.yoongi frowned.what was namjoon doing.

"Joonie what did you break this time"
Yoongi frowned laughing after after he heard his friend sigh.

"More like who did i break",namjoon said looking scared.

"Wait you are driving" yoongi ask in disbelieve."you know it's dangerous right and your also clumsy as fuck".yoongi explain shuddering at the thought of his best friend killing someone even if its acidentaly.

"Yea yea i know gotta go check if he's dead or alive....see you latter sugar hyung"namjoon said breath heavy.

Yoongi frowned in concern" do want me to come the–no hyung its okey I'll Hazel it"namjoon said cutting his hyung of.

"Okey than seeya latter...call me if you want anything okey".yoongi said still frowning." Yea hyung I'll call you latter"namjoon reassured.

Yoongi was about to end the call when he heard namjoon calling for him"suga hyung".

"yeah" yoongi asnwerd.

"I love you" namjoon said stopping the call right after without giving yoongi space to speak.

Yoongi sigh"hope he's okey"is the last thing he mumble before driving.

Namjoon nervously got out of the car thinking of the worst what if the boy is dead?he was going to go to prison?.by the time he walked up to the front of his car there was already people around the boy.he sued the people away from the boy and He what he saw made his breath hitch.

their in front of him laid a very beautiful guy or boy in front of his car he had the most gorgeous features namjoon has ever seen plump lips deep curly brown locks that he would love to play with a sharp but beautifull jaw line .

He was cut out of his tought when he heard a car honk.he quikly took the boy bridel style to his car and did a quik bow to the pepole behind him because he was holding on the traffic.

He was going to work but took a u-turn to his house instead.he took a quik glance at the beautifull boy in the back of his car he panick when he saw that the boy wasn't awake he started driving faster.

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