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Hoseok never thought that a day would come when he had to avoid jungkook,he never thought he would be telling his brother to lie to jungkook about his wareabouts but here he was telling jin to lie to jungkook that he was sick and he couldn't meet him.he really didn't want to lie but he just couldn't see jungkook it felt wrong to be in his presence,to talk to him.it felt like they have never met each other.

Jungkook thought that after maybe a few days that hoseok would've let this go but he didn't.hoseok just kept avoiding him which hurt more like it should.every time he tries to approach hoseok he'll run away or just glare at him,every time he went to his house jin would give him some fake excused trying to shoo him away,the house that felt so welcoming that felt like home didn't feel like it anymore he always feel uncomfortable when he go to hoseok house and jin glaring at him all the time wasn't working.

He know hoseok had the right to be mad but this was too much.and jungkook was getting fedup with him because he didn't want to hear his explanation all he could think about is how jungkook betrayed him and nothing else.

"How long are you going to avoid him hobi"hoseok sigh not knowing the answer to the question that his brother was asking him.

"as long as I can"hoseok huff snugeling into the softness of his bed inhaling the familiar vanilla scent.

Jin looked at his brother concern about his well being.hoseok had not left the house in a long time he was also skipping some school days and that wasn't good he was senior in highschool he had to graduate but the thing with jungkook got him all depressed and lazy.

Hearing hoseok soft snores Jin walked out of the room with a sigh he needed to bring the old hoseok back the happy and cheerful one.

Hoseok wasn't sleeping he just fake his snores so jin could give him some space he wanted to be alone for a while.

He was lost in his thoughts until he heard a ping sound coming from his phone.

Good afternoon seok
How are you?



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