❤💖"i love you"❤💖

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Locked in his room,he spent his day crying his eyes out,it was already night time.he was sad,he was in disbelief, he couldn't handle the fact that his hyung was fine get married.

A soft knock on his door made him look up.already knowing who it was he didn't answer he let his head fall back against his soft pillow.not long before,his door was being pushed open with someone entering it.

"Sorry to bother but...I need to talk to you"hoseok sat up,he didn't expect the person to be namjoon.he glared at him for a brief moment before he bursted out crying.

Namjoon panicked.he ran to hoseok side and hugged him." It's okey,it's okey"namjoon mumble,rocking their body."you're g-gonna take him away aren't y-you?"namjoon frown and withdrawn from the hug to face hoseok."what?"."y-you're taking him away from me"hoseok said in between sobs.he was scared,scared of loosing his brother.namjoon sightly chuckle and patted hoseok head."no silly,he's not going anywhere–don't say that to me,I know after you guys get married it won't be the same between me and him anymore he'll be too busy to even acknowledge me...he'll forget about me I don't like that,I don't that please don't take him a-away"at this point join didn't know what to say or what to do.

"I'm not gonna leave you hobi" a soft voice spoke making joon and hobi look up to see jin standing at the door way with tears in his eyes.join stoop up and jin went and sit next to hoseok who started sobbing more,jin took hobi hands in his and lifted hobi head to stare into his eyes."why do you think I'll ever leave you,huh?,you're my brother hoseok me getting married doesn't mean I'm going to leave or forget you"jin explained in a soft voice."b-but..when we were kids y-you said when you'll get married you'll live in America and you'll leave me h-here!"jin chuckle and pulled hoseok into a hug."you're so silly hoba".hobi pulled away from jin and stared at him."promise you'll never leave me hyung"jin smiled fondly while caressing hoseok tears away."I promise".

The next day.

Hey yoongi🥺
I missed you😩💖🌹

Well look who remembered me
Should I cry or should I laugh😒

By the look of it
You missed me too😚

Yes I did.
How are you?

I'm kinda fine

What do you mean by

I'm getting bullied
In school again🤭


Because I have a
Hot,sexy,rich sugar daddy~

Oh really?😂

Nah,I'm just kidding
He's not my sugar daddy
To be honest I don't even
Know what we are...

Now that hoseok was thinking about this he felt disgusting, he was just giving himself away to someone that he barely knew.he would be lying if he said he did not have feeling for harry(yoongi).but something was missing and he had to figure it out.

Anyway I missed
You very much my
Lovely husband🥺

Oh,so now you remember
That I'm your husband🤨
Such a heart breaker😒

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