Chapter 3 - Caught Red Handed.

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A/N - Before you read on, comment who you think walked in on them.

Vance's P.O.V.

I had Finney pinned against the bathroom wall.

But he looked scared.

The bathroom door opened and walked in on us.

Finney frowned when he realized who it was.

It was Matty and his goons.

I knew how much they hated Finney.

"Damn Finney, I knew you were a fag, but Vance fucking Hopper? Woah, and what about your christen beliefs? My, I guess you're gonna burn in hell how huh?" Matty spoke and the other two laughed.

Finney frowned, looking away from them, with tears in his eyes.

I looked at Finney and frowned.

And then I looked back at the 3 boys.

"Would you like to say that again?" I said as I looked at them.

Their smirks dropped.

Finney had a few tears escape his eyes and I felt angry.

"Nothing to say now? Not so cocky huh?" I told them and they headed for the door.

I pulled Finney in for a hug as he started to cry into my chest.

"It's okay, Finn, I'll always be here for you," I told him as he sobbed.

Finney's P.O.V

Vance held me in his arms as I cried.

It was honestly pretty nice, I liked the feeling of his arms around me.

I just relaxed in his arms, instantly feeling safe.

✝ Time Skip ✝

Vance took me back to his house after school, the place was much bigger compared to my house which only had three bedrooms and one bathroom, a tiny kitchen, and the living room, in which I spent most of my time.

His house felt much more welcoming, and inside smelt warm, like honey.

Well, mine smelt like bleach and alcohol, a smell I had grown much too used to.

His mom wasn't home so we could be all couply without a care in the world, but that was only for a short period of time as she got off early that day.

We still sat close together, which our hands interlocked, and that had made me flushed.

His mother didn't notice the hand-holding or anything like that.

In part, I was thankful for it as I feared that if she found out, she would tell my father as he was known around town for being the biggest Christ believer with two children who were forced to believe the same things.

Ms. Hopper was quite nice to me in fact. 

I found out Vance's father wasn't a big part of his up bring, and to which I could say mine was similar as my mother was often ranting on about something she saw in her dreams or sleeping away trying to have another dream.

She claimed that they were hints from God, telling her something, but I didn't truly think that, unlike my father who followed through, which is now why every time Gwen has a dream, he is fearful and thus leads to her getting hurt.

I, however, had never had a dream like that as I didn't have that trait from my mother.

I did miss her sometimes though, as I can recall the times when she would play with me and Gwen in the small backyard or when we would help her bake well my father slept on the couch on his birthday.

I missed those times before the dreams started...

I took a deep breath in as I looked at my hands, and then I took my cross pendant in hand and looked at it.

My heart started to hurt as I looked at it.

The gold shined back at me in a painful glare.

I hissed as it hurt my eyes.

I put my hands behind my neck, unclipping the neckless and taking it off.

And then I took the time to stare back at it as the gold sparked in the sunlight.

I put it in my pocket and looked up at Vance and Ms. Hopper for a moment.

Ms. Hopper smiled at me as I gave her the same grin back, but mine seemed to be more nervous compared to hers.

For some reason that hurt me, but I pushed it down as I did with everything else in my life.

I bit my tough and held back the tears, why was I such a crybaby?

Vance took my hand under the table and gave it a squeeze.

I looked at her and dried my eyes, and smiled at him.

He gave me a thumbs up and I nodded, he didn't let go of my hand and I smiled to myself.

But a thought crept into my mind.

What if he was just doing this because he wanted to pull some sick joke on me?

Once again I tried to ignore it but it burned in my chest though out the rest of the until, until we were alone in his room.

I was once again pinned against the wall and his lips upon mine.

It was warm but something felt strange this time.

We pulled away and I looked down away from him with a frown.

"What's wrong, Finn?" He whispered and he put a hand under my chin and made me look at him.

I swallowed harshly as I tried to fight the tears once again.

"I-Is all of this a joke?.." I whispered, he was silent at my words.

"D-Do you even r-really love me?" I asked as tears escaped my eyes.

"Of course I love you, I had my eyes on you all night when we first meant at that party, you drew me in and I do really love you," Vance told me and he pulled my face close to his.

I blushed and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I-I th-think I love you too..." I whispered into the kiss.

Vance smiled and took off my shirt, kissing down my neck, chest and arms, but this time he noticed the scars.

Which brought tears to my eyes as I feared he would scream at me for them, but rather, he kissed them which confused me.

"Are there any other scars that I should kiss better?" He asked, the term 'kiss better' would have made me feel like a child but with Vance, it didn't make me feel like a child.

Hesitantly I nodded and Vance picked me up and put me on his bed, and I slowly took off my pants which reviled the scars on my thighs.

Which he leaned down and kissed every single one, which made me blush a deep red at his affection.

Vance moved up to my face and kissed my lips.

"Your scars are beautiful, just like you," Vance whispered into my ear, there was no sex, it was just him kissing my scars with love.

I couldn't stop the small thoughts of paranoia which told me that he was just playing a joke on me.

But he told me that he wasn't, he was telling the truth, right?..

A/N - Poor Finney and his thoughts. :(

Words: 1110

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