Chapter 2

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It was five in the morning of the following day, Beatrice was getting ready for her morning jog. She never did that, she honestly preferred to sleep in and go straight to class. However, today was different. Beatrice was trying to take out of her mind the fact that she had, once again, failed to get an internship.

She placed her earphones on and connected it to her phone via Bluetooth. After that, she opened Spotify, and put Side Effects by Stray Kids, to see if the sleepiness would leave her body.Leaving the apartment quietly not to wake up the others, Beatrice went to the nearest park, and started to run.

Not many laps later, she was already panting.

"Goodness! I should definitely start doing more of this" She tells herself as the sedentarism hit, even though she knew she would probably forget this promise and just go back to being the lazy ass she knows she is.

Knowing that she would have to go to class soon, Beatrice decided to head home. On her way back, she saw a group of girls fangirling over someone. She stopped for a minute, just to see if she could take a look at the person the girls were shouting about or recognise the idol that was only a few meters away. Suddenly, she sees two boys, the first one had short black hair and the second, was a little shorter than the previous one and had grey hair. The both of them were wearing suits, and as they were probably K-idols, no doubt they were on their way to a stage performance.

While staring she ended up exchanging looks with the taller one. He gave her a little smile and quickly got into the car. Although Beatrice didn't recognise either of the boys, she got curious but still, she decided to continue heading back home.


Getting into the company's car after Taehyun, Yeonjun sighed out of relief when the screams of their fans were muffled by the car's closed doors.

"Yeonjun hyung... Are you okay?" Taehyun asked when the car started moving.

Yeonjun had zoned out. He had noticed something that wasn't very common in Korea and now was looking out of the window. He had sighted a girl with fiery red hair. They locked eyes for a mere second and that was enough to make Yeonjun intrigued by her figure.

Taehyun tried to talk to his friend once again, but didn't get a response. He then decided to nudge Yeonjun in the shoulder, to see if he could wake him up from daydreaming.

"Oh! Hey! Were you saying something?" Yeonjun finally replied.

"I was asking if... you know what, never mind."

"Okay then." He shrugged, unlocking his phone and opening the snow app, taking a selfie for MOA, their fans, and right after, posting on the weverse app.

After getting home, showering and changing, Beatrice noticed that Lexi had already left for class and Haylee had left for work. She then took her notebook and a few books she would be needing for the day and left again, this time, heading to college classes.

She passed again on the street where she had seen the two boys. The place was now empty, with only a few people there. Beatrice was almost running late for class, but she couldn't help but stop and think about the smile the black haired boy gave her.

Realising she was looking at nothing, still standing in the middle of the sidewalk, she thought to herself:

He probably thought you were a fan or something. Stop overthinking this.

Coming back to reality, Beatrice looked at the time on her phone and saw that she only had 10 minutes to get to class, she then, started to run as fast as she could, reaching the university gates 2 minutes before the beginning of her lesson of Music and Soundtracking.

After six classes, Beatrice was finally free from her classes that day. She left the theatre room where they had lighting design classes and headed towards the university's library. She set her things down on one of the tables, then opened her computer and starts to work on the project her Soundtracking professor had sent the class to do.

Beatrice forgets about the time while she's in deep focus, working on her assignment. She didn't even look at the time. She only decided to stop working when her phone buzzed, letting her know that someone had liked her post on Instagram.

Getting up from the chair she was in, Beatrice took her phone, and a card, and headed to the closest coffee shop to get some coffee. When she gets in she sees a couple kissing, but as she thought it was disgusting to snog like that in public, she went directly to the ordering counter, asking for a Macchiato.

She left as soon as her order gets ready, going straight back to the library to pack her things up and go back home.


Yeonjun was already home.

For the first time, he was on VLive in his own bed. He was tired, but talking to MOA really made his energy fill up a bit.

"Hey guys!" He said, waving at the screen.

"How are you Yeonjun Oppa?" He read one of the comments.

"I'm okay, thank you for asking," He said, smiling brightly.

The live kept going for a while, until Yeonjun decided to end it, after replying for the third time a comment that was asking him to marriage. As always, he would reply something like "Oh, sure, but you have to ask my mom and dad first."

"Bye everyone!!! Please eat well and stay healthy, see you next time" Yeonjun said and turned off the live.

Lying down in his bed, his mind wandered again to the red haired girl he saw earlier that day.

Why are you like this? You don't even know her. You'll probably never see her again.

He thought to himself and muffled a groan on his pillow.

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