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I have always known I was different. You know, the kid that has super powers would be weird. I can use force fields, throw energy balls, and I can fly. Not to mention that my eyes glow a bright blue when I use my powers. Not normal I know. I've always thought I had a greater purpose. That's why I have these powers, but my mom has kept me inside and away from people as long as I can remember. She can't keep me here anymore. I'm finally eighteen.
I walk down the stairs, a smile on my face. I'm eighteen, I think to myself.
"Good morning," I sing-song to my mom. She's standing at the stove.
"Happy seventeenth birthday, Xander," my mom beams.
"Seventeenth?" I ask. "Mom I'm eighteen."
"No. No you're not," she says nervously shaking her head.
"Mom, I'm eighteen," I try to convince her. She just shakes her head, laughs, and continues cooking. I sit at the table. She puts a plate of pancakes infront of me. I eat quickly. She eats slowly, studying me to see if I'm angry she tried to trick me. She knows that I'm planning on leaving now that I'm eighteen.
She gives me a large box wrapped in blue wrapping paper with violet and orange polka dots. I open it and I take out all of the tissue paper. A black bow and green arrows.
"Awesome!" I exclaim smiling.
"I'm glad you like it Xander," my mom smiles. She picks up the wrapping and tissue paper and puts it in the garbage. I take the box outside and set it with the rest of the garbage bags on the street. Its garbage day anyways.
My mom and I live just outside the city. She kept me away from people and I was homeschooled. I don't have any friends and I don't know anyone, but my mom. My dad left when I was younger. He left because of my powers. It's a terrible feeling really. You know? Being the reason your dad left. I never even knew him. I don't even know what he looks like and my mom burnt all of the pictures of him.
I sigh and push the thoughts out of my head. I walk back inside and see my mom sitting on the couch reading. I walk upstairs. I grab my phone and type in the passcode. I see I have a missed call from a guy that owns an apartment building I want to move into. I talked to him a few weeks ago and he said he'd call if I could move in. I excitedly call back.
"Hello?" the man asks.
"Mr. Jacobson? It's Xander Marcs," I say into the phone.
"Oh. Xander!" he exclaims. "I've got that apartment ready for you if you still want it."
"Yes. I still want it," I say. "Can I move in tomorrow?"
"Of course!" he says.
"I'll be moving tomorrow then. See you!" I say.
"See you!" Mr. Jacobson says and hangs up.
I set my phone down and start packing my stuff.
The next morning, I get up before my mom and start packing the rest of my things. I start putting the boxes in my four door 67' Chevy Impala. I put boxes in the trunk and in the backseat. I walk back inside and come downstairs with more boxes.
"Xander, what are you doing?" my mom asks.
"Mom, I.. I'm moving out," I say.
"Xander, you know that that's not a good idea," she says.
"Mom, it's time I move out," I say calmly.
"Xander you know about your condition," she says.
"I'm not sick! I have powers, but I can control them!" I yell.
"You're staying here, Xander!" my mother shouts.
"I'm eighteen now you can't keep me here any longer!" I roar at her conjuring an energy ball.
"Xander, you wouldn't," my mother whispers scared.
"Try me," I say menacingly. I fly out of the house and get into my car. I drive into the city.

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