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"Don't do this Mr. Jacobson," I say. He laughs.
"I find it hilarious that your mother changed your last name to protect you from me. She used her maiden name. Does she think I'm an idiot?" he asks. I glare at him.
"You've been planning to kill me this entire time?" I ask.
"Yeah. That shit I said about leaving because you were gifted, I was lying. Your mother took you away from me once she learned I was going to murder you as a baby," He says with an evil laugh. I step back. He steps closer and puts the barrel of the pistol to my head.
"Don't do this. You're just adding more bad stuff to your list of terrible things you've done," I plead. He shakes his head.
"You actually think I care about that?" He asks with a laugh. "I don't. It was an act, Xander. You're just as dumb as your mother."
"My mom is not dumb," I growl.
"I should just finish you off now," he says. "But I won't. Oh Elizabeth," he says. Elizabeth walks out and stands next to Mr. Jacobson. I look at her shocked. She shapeshifts into me then shapeshifts back.
"You're the shapeshifter that attacked me!" I exclaim. She smiles deviously at me.
"Yep, and I probably would.have killed you if Jacobson hadn't told me not to," She says. I glare down the barrel of the gun at Mr. Jacobson.
"Hey, Jacobson!" I hear. I turn my head slightly and see Jade standing there. She tackles him to the floor. Elizabeth shapeshifts into a wolf and attacks Jade. She tries to scratch at Jade's head. She pushes Elizabeth off and gets on her feet. Jacobson pushes me to the ground and aims the pistol at my head. He goes to pull the trigger, but Jade pushes him. The bullet hits the ground right beside me. I get up and run to my bedroom. Time to test the new arrows. I grab my bow and my arrows. I sneak out of my room. I still hear the commotion in the living room. I hear someone coming down the hall. I nock an arrow and peer around the corner. Mr. Jacobson runs down the hall. I shoot an arrow at him. It explodes before impact. Have to fix that. I grab one that's like a flash bang. I shoot it it explodes on impact like it's supposed to. I hear Jacobson scream. I run past him and into the living room. Jade is trying to keep the wolf form of Elizabeth off of her. I shoot a flash bang arrow straight at Elizabeth. It hits her in the eye and explodes. She yelps and flies backward her paw hits Jade in the face. It cuts the string on her mask and falls off. She quickly puts her hood up, but I saw who it was. Mr. Jacobson runs down the hall at me. He tackles me to the floor. He takes my bow and shoots arrows at Jade. She takes him down and knocks him out. The police show up and take them away, ask us some questions, and leave.
"So, you saw who I really am?" Mya asks. I nod.
"Are you mad?" She asks. I shake my head.
"Just go, Mya," I say turning from her. She walks out and closes the door. I clean up the mess all the fighting made. I pick up my arrow and reset them so they'll work again. I hear a soft knock on my door. I getup and peer through the peep hole. Mya stands there with a sad look on her face.
"Xander, I know you're listening. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It not like I just tell everyone. I was planning on telling you, but I just... Couldn't. My dad was a hero and I wanted to be too. You know, the main thing for a superhero is a secret identity," she says. "I'm not even sure why I'm apologizing. Honestly, I don't want this to ruin our friendship or whatever we had going. Xander, if we aren't friends anymore I'm not sure what I'll do."
I stand there not knowing what to do. Do I open the door? Do I stand just here?

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