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I laugh. "I'm glad you got here when you did," I say.
I look at Jade she's frozen. Doesn't have powers then. I sigh. I could look at Jade's identity, but I won't. I push the man back. He has a mask on too so I can't see his face. I don't remove it. I throw an energy ball at him. It freezes mid air.
"You can unfreeze everything now," I say. He flicks his fingers and everything unfreezes. The energy ball hits the man. He groans in pain. I hold a hand out to Jade. She takes it and I pull her up.
"Thanks," she says blushing. She puts her hood up to hide her face. I smile. I make sure my hood is still up. Jade looks at me like she wants something.
"What?" I ask.
"Oh, uh, nothing. Nothing," She says and looks away. I nod.
"So, what now?" Oryn asks. "Are we working together? Are we all just going back to the way things were? Or are we just going to pretend that everything never happened?"
"I.. I don't know," I say looking at Jade.
"I think we should all just go back to the way things were. Shadow and I will dislike each other, and you you'll go back to doing whatever it is you do," Jade says sternly. Oryn nods sadly.
"Oryn wasn't a hero before," I state. Jade stares at him.
"We don't need another hero," She states and walks away. Oryn looks down sadly.
"Well, how about if I need your help I'll call for you, but stay undercover like a secret hero," I say. He smiles and nods happily.
"Well, I should get home. It's getting late," Oryn says. I nod a goodbye and fly into the night, back to my boring apartment.
I get a call later in the night. I answer the phone.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Xander?" My mother asks weakly from the other end.
"Mom, whats wrong you sound hurt?" I ask frantically.
"Xander, I'm... I'm dying," she says. "I need you to come to Sallius General Hospital."
"I'll be there as soon as I can," I say.
"Xander?" she asks.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Be careful," she whispers and hangs up.
I grab my sweatshirt and throw it on. I grab my keys and get into my car. I drive to the hospital. I run into the hospital and to the front desk.
"I'm here for Mrs. Marcs," I say frantically.
"Are you a relative?" the woman asks popping her gum.
"Yes. I'm her son," I say. I tap my fingers on the desk as she taps away on the computer.
"Room 264," she says.
I sprint down the hall dodging people. I knock on room 264, then enter.
"Mom?" I ask.
"Xander," she says weakly.
"What happened?" I ask grabbing a chair and sitting next to the bed. I grab her hand.
"She was in a car accident. She was coming to see you. Another car hit her and pushed the car. A pole flew through the windshield and punctured her stomach. She's internally bleeding and there is a very slight chance we can stop it," The doctor answers. "If we can stop it, she'll be in a wheel chair for the rest of her life. The car was crushed in the front and it hurt her spine. We know for sure we can't fix that." I nod. Tears form in my eyes.
"Xander," my mom says squeezing my hand. I know that look it's don't cry, everything will be alright. I smile sadly at her.
"We're operating soon, Mr. Marcs," the doctor says. I nod and walk out. I decide to go check on the woman that got stabbed. I find out her room number and go in. An older man is sitting next to her bed.
"Who are you?" he asks harshly through tears.
"I saved her," I say motioning toward the girl. "I came to see how she was." He nods. She's awake, but barely.
"Y-you saved me?" she asks.
"Well, not alone, but yes I helped save you," I say.
"Who else helped?" she asks.
"The hero Jade," I say. She smiles at me.
"Jade is one of the coolest superheroes," she beams.
I laugh. "Yeah, for a hero without powers," I say.
She laughs now. "Yeah, I guess," she says.
"Mr. Smith, Lillianne needs her medication," a doctor says. He nods and walks out.
"You too," he says to me. I walk out into the hall.
"Did Jade really help save my daughter?" he asks. I nod and smile.
"Why'd you help?" he asks.
"She needed help and I was there," I state. "I help people. It's what I do."

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