Privacy - Cypher

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Great! One of your gadgets decided to malfunction again. Luckily it wasn't in the middle of a battle this time. Time to visit Cyphers workshop again. Hopefully he isn't too busy.

You know Cypher occasionally checks up on you. You've been friends for a while now, and something about the mask made it easier to confide in him. He knew all of your secrets anyways. He's also surprisingly sharing bits and pieces of himself with you. Not a lot, of course. But every little thing he shares makes you feel happy inside. He's really busy all the time and doesn't really talk to a lot of people.

On your way to the workshop you decide to make you both a cup of chamomile tea. It's his favourite, after all! You also snag a pack of cookies, mostly for yourself. Who doesn't like cookies?

You can hear someone curse when you enter his workshop. "Everything okay, Cypher?" You ask. "Ah, yes, A/N. I just can't seem to figure this out." He sighs, and faces you. "You want some tea?" You ask, while holding the cups, the pack of cookies tucked under your arm.
"Ah, yes! That will do nicely." You can hear the smile in his voice. You clear out a small part of his desk using your elbow, and place the cups and cookies down. Cypher grabbed a chair for you already.

You sit down and let out a content sigh. Finally, some peace and quiet. Cypher grabs the cup you placed near him and you look away. It's been like this ever since you both got more comfortable around each other. He doesn't want to show his face, and you respect that. You can hear him blow on his tea.

Suddenly, you remember the reason why you had to visit in the first place. "Darn it! I forgot to bring that stupid gadget. I'll be right back, Cypher!" You jump from your chair and make a beeline to the door, not looking back.

You sprint to your room, grabbing the gadget and running back to the workshop again. You open the door. Cypher looks up, but he's not wearing his mask! You immediately drop your gadget, and cover your eyes. But it was too late, you already saw his face. "A/N-" He says, but he can't finish his sentence because your start rambling. "Holy shit I'm so sorry Cypher, I forgot to knock! I'll just leave my gadget here, please take a look at it if you get the chance. Thank you and see you around, byee."

You turn around and quickly slam the door behind you, very disappointed in yourself. How could you be this fucking stupid?

It's been a 3 days. You avoided Cypher as much as you could. You felt so bad about the entire situation. Yes, you got a good peek at his face and he looks very attractive, but you also felt like a shitty friend. The thing he values most is his privacy and you took that away. He placed the now working gadget in front of your room. You were glad that he was still willing to fix it for you.

It's been a week. Everyone in the protocol is now noticing you guys don't hang out as often anymore. You've been hearing more clicks around you than there normally would be. It's his camera's, following you through the entire building. You didn't know what to think of it. But you did know you couldn't go on like this anymore. It was eating you up on the inside. You finally managed to get the balls to confront him about it. And to apologise once more.

So now you're standing in front of his door. Hands shaking, knees weak. You slowly bring your hand to the door, and knock. "Come in." A tired voice says. You slowly open the door and peek your head around it. Cypher is talking away on his keyboard, the clicks and clacks filling the room. "Uhm.. Cypher." You say. His head immediately perks up and he faces you. "Ah! A/N! How I've missed you." He chuckles.

You walk into the room, slightly smiling. You can't deny you missed the man. He always knew how to entertain you, and it was so relaxing in here. It somehow smelled like spices. You put your hands on your hips. "Why are you watching me all day?" You ask, raising an eyebrow. He pats the chair next to him. "Sit down, and I'll tell you." You walk over to him and sit down, facing him.

He sighs, and speaks up. "Because I missed you." You feel your cheeks warming up. You open your mouth to say something, but he shushes you. "I'm glad it was you, A/N. I really am." He grabs your hands. "If it wasn't obvious by now, I care about you. I had a hard time telling myself that I indeed care about you, and this was the push I needed, so thank you for that." You can hear him grinning, but at the same time he sounds unsure, like he's waiting for something.

You squeeze his hands. "First of all, I wanted to thank you for fixing my gadget. I'm really sorry I ran off that day, after seeing your face. It's not because of how you look, but I really wanted to value your privacy since it's so important to you. And I've been losing sleep over it. I didn't know how to confront you because I care about you too. I'm really sorry, Cypher." You feel a bit shy. You thought your feelings were one-sided so you paid no mind to them.

"Amir." He says. "My name is Amir." You lean in for a hug. "Well, nice to meet you Amir, my name is Y/N." You giggle. "I know." You roll your eyes behind his back. "Of course you do." He pulls away from the hug, and motions for you to come closer. "Take my mask off." He says. "Are you sure?" You ask. This was a huge step for the both of you, and also a new beginning between you guys. From friends to something more.

You take the edge of the mask, that's neatly tucked into his collar. You pull on it, and it moves up. You hold your breath as you stare into his still masked eyes. It moves up to his chin. You can feel his breath hitch and you stop pulling on the mask. "Are you sure you are okay with this? If not tell me right now! I will stop." You look at him, concerned. "No, go on." You nod and pull on the mask again. You see a mouth, a nose, and then 2 beautiful eyes. He takes his hat off so you can pull the mask all the way off.

Handsome is an understatement. This man looks breathtaking. You look at him in awe and slowly bring your hand to his face. Tracing everything. His lips, his nose, some scars... He just stares at you, loving what you're doing. He can feel his heart swell. You look so beautiful to him. If only he could call you his right now. He was going to make you his.

"Y/N..." You look at him. "Yeeess??" You smile at him. He's already leaning in. Waiting for you to finish what he started. Your eyes become huge. Is this really happening right now? You decide to not let the man in front of you wait. You cup his face, and close your eyes. You can feel his lips on yours, as he holds you close. It's such a soft, tender kiss,  full of the love you both had been keeping a secret from each other. You can feel him smile into the kiss. This is the start of something beautiful between the both of you.

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